CHAPTER 24 🧚‍♀️

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"You ready?" Tae asked, unbuckling his seatbelt.
"More than ever" Jungkook smiled confidently.

The five days came to an end rather quickly. Some of his bruises had already healed. His body ached a little and his knee hurt ever so often. They spent the five days chilling out, not really doing much.

Like they decided a few days ago, they were going to go public. Tae was worried as to what the students might do to the younger, but he promised that he'd be with the boy as much as he could, like walking him to his next lesson and to lunch and that.

Jungkook knew Tae was being a little overprotective but he didn't mind. He knew why he was overprotective and he accepted that. So Jungkook never protested when Tae would tell him to wait until he picked him up to go to their next lesson.

He was also happy, Jungkook was used to bullying and it would only increase when they all found out about the boy being in a relationship with Tae. But Jungkook didn't like hiding their relationship in front of everyone. He wanted to be able to hold his boyfriends hand with no worry or care people would judge them. He was ready to face the worse when they came out.

Tae helped Jungkook out the car, and helped him put his backpack on. Tae straightened out his suit and they walked into school together.
"What lesson do you have first?" Tae asked.
"Music" Jungkook spoke as he stumbled a bit on his crutches. Tae noticed and held Jungkook up a bit. Jungkook looked up and smiled.

"Okay well I'll walk you there and then at the end I'll come and get you, to take you to your next class"
Which Jungkook nodded to, as he tried to focus on walking. They carried on walking and they were faced with the door.
"Have fun, if anyone gives you problem tell Yoongi, okay"
"I will do Tae, don't worry okay! Have fun teaching"
Tae hummed.


"I'll see you later" Tae quickly pecked the boys forehead and ran off to his class, leaving a blushing Jungkook walking into his classroom. Although they share kisses all the time, doing it at school makes him all flustered.
He walked in and looked over at Yoongi who was waving at him. Jungkook smiled brightly and sat in his seat.


It was finally lunch time, Jungkook waited in his class for Tae like he was told. Over the day he became really tired due to the mass amounts of movement he had to do with crutches. He leant against the wall tiredly while he waited. The couple hadn't done much in front of people to show them they were a couple. Some people had already expected them as being a couple but never asked.
"Hey baby" Tae smiled standing in front of him.

"Hey Tae" Jungkook cheered.
"Ready for lunch?"
"Hmm, b-but can you c-carry me? M'getting tired" Jungkook nervously asked.

"Of course, you can get on my back" Tae chuckled. He bent down low enough for the younger. Jungkook wriggled onto his back and Tae stood up straight. Jungkook gave Tae his crutches, and they walked to the canteen. A few students walked past gasping at the sight of the two, but they didn't think anything of it. They walked into the canteen and again a few people watched them. Some girls squealed, thinking the pair were cute.

Once they got to their table, Tae slowly placed Jungkook on the floor and guided him to his seat. He placed the crutches to the side and sat down next to him.
"Hey guys" Jimin waved.
"We missed you" Hobi screeched making Jungkook giggle.
"So like, when are you gonna kiss in front of everyone?" Namjooon wiggled his eyebrow.
"Whenever Jungkook is ready and wants to" Tae shrugged.

Time progressed, and the group were laughing around. The group were debating about which food is better. That was until Tae heard a small whine coming from the side of him. Tae turned his head to see his boyfriend pouting.
"What's wrong baby?" Tae whispered.
"I wanna sit on your lap" Jungkook pouted.
"You can sit on my lap bub" Tae grinned.
"Really!" Jungkook answered surprised.
"Of course you can why wouldn't you be able to?"

"Oh yeah I forgot we were going to be more open" this made him blush.
Tae patted his lap, for the younger to sit on. Jungkook slowly stood up and shuffled himself on to Tae's lap. He carefully tried to not hit his knee on the table as he moved onto the others lap. He placed both legs on one side, and rested the side of his face on the teachers chest. Tae slipped his arms around the younger's waist and held the boy close.

"Why are you so cute, my heart can't take it"
Jin held his heart in pain jokingly.
Jungkook giggled sitting up. He looked at Tae nervously before leaning in and placing a short kiss on the elders lips. Tae was surprised Jungkook had the confidence, but he was proud and so happy.

Tae brought his hand up placing his index finger under the younger's chin. He brought Jungkook's face closer and smashed their lips together. Jungkook smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's neck. The small kiss had changed into a full make out.

They hadn't noticed but the whole canteen had become dead silence. When they pulled away smiling brightly. They noticed the silence. Both boys looked around and saw everyone's face displaying a shocked face.

They all had wide eyes and open mouths. Jungkook's cheeks became a bright shade of red. All of a sudden there was a loud scream. Jungkook darted his eyes to the scream and it was a girl screaming happily. The rest of her friends and a few other people joined in cheering and clapping.

Some even shouting,
and a lot more. They were mostly positive, but as expected there were a few people shouting,

But they were downed out by the positive comments which made both boys happy.
"Looks like it went well" Yoongi smiled happily for them.
"You will be the next best famous couple" Jimin laughed.
Tae and Jungkook looked at each other, with huge smiles plastered on their faces.

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