CHAPTER 08 🧚‍♀️

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"Baby" Tae called out to the sleeping male.
He brushed the pad of his thumb over the younger's cheek, caressing it softly.
"Time to wake up baby boy, we have school" Tae repeated again.
The younger started stirring, his body wiggled around, before fluttering his eyes open.
"Hey hyungie" Jungkook smiled wrapping his arms around Tae.
"Morning bub, school is open again, so we need to get up"

Jungkook pouted not wanting to go to school.
"M'don't wanna go, wanna stay here with you" Jungkook sighed nuzzling his face in the crook of Tae's neck.
"Don't worry baby, I'll be there to protect you. It'll be okay" Jungkook simply nodded.
"Can I get a kiss?" Jungkook pouted.
"Of course sweetheart"
Jungkook furiously blushed from the nickname , he came out of Tae's neck and placed his face in front of the others.

"Why are your cheeks red baby?" Tae chuckled.
"I like the name s-sweetheart, and baby. It's nice being called that by you" Jungkook embarrassingly admitted.
"Awhh you're so cute" Tae squished the younger's cheeks.

Tae started leaving kisses all over the younger's face, once he reached the boys lips, it was filled with love and content. They both felt happy with one another and it's a feeling they would never lose when they're together.
"Come on bub let's get up"

Tae got out of bed and went to the sleepy Jungkook who was snuggled up in the duvet. He took hold of the younger's hands and dragged him out of bed.
"Have a shower hyungie, I wanna make breakfast with chef Lee" Jungkook kissed the man's cheek and walked off.

He ran downstairs and into the kitchen.
"Morning kid what are you doing?"
"Morning, I wanted to make Tae breakfast"
"Of course, here I'll move out the way for you, I need to clean the storage cabinet anyway, so thank you" Mr Lee walked off, going to the storage cupboard out back.
Jungkook placed a frying pan on one of the stove and warmed it up. He cracked three eggs and four rashers of bacon. He then placed two pieces of bread in the toaster. As he waited for the food to cook he started to sing along to a song.

"Take my hands now
You are the cause of my euphoria
Take my hands now you are the cause of my euphoria" Jungkook swayed his hips back and forth to his own voice. Shortly after he was quickly interrupted by someone wrapping their arms around his skinny waist and a head resting on his shoulder. Jungkook looked down to see long slender hands in front of him.
"Hey hyungie"
"Hey baby"

Jungkook turned around, draping his arms over Tae's shoulders.
"You're so pretty baby" Tae nuzzled his nose against the younger's making the younger emit into giggles. He captured the younger's lips for a quick kiss.
"Go to the table, I'll bring you your breakfast"
"Thank you baby"

After eating, Jungkook got dressed, they both brushed their teeth and they headed to school.
"I have to go home today hyungie, I've got to work tonight" Jungkook pouted.
"Koo, it's okay. I'll figure something out okay. How about we go for a walk after school instead of the revision session and then I can drop you home"
"I'd love that, thank you"


"Afternoon everyone" Mr Kim came strutting into his last class of the day, more specifically his favourite class due to a certain someone.
"Afternoon sir" A few people cheered out.
"Have we got everyone?" His eyes wondered across the class to check attendance, but he noticed an empty seat.
"Uh has anyone seen Jeon?" Mr Kim said with a deep tone.
"No sir"

"I saw Jungkook arguing with someone on the phone and by the end he started crying and ran to the bathroom" a student stated.
"Fuck" Tae cursed under his breath.
"Will everyone stay seated and talk between yourselves until I get back, I need to go do something"

Tae stormed out the room and ran to the toilets. Once he got there he heard muffled crying. He opened and looked in the stalls. He got to the last one and carefully opened it.

"Baby?" Tae called out gently.
Jungkook's eyes shot up and looked at the other in front of him.
"Hyungie" Jungkook stood up and jumped onto Tae, wrapping his legs around Tae's waist and his arms around his neck. Tae was quick to catch the boy and place his hands on the boys thighs. Jungkook dug his face into Tae's neck, inhaling the sweet scent.

"What happened baby?"
"Mum... s-shes taken all my money I made from work, and sold the house. S-she's left me, s-she's ran off with some boy and all the money and left me with nothing. I have nothing." Jungkook cried even harder.

"T-the landlord rang me, telling me that we we're getting chucked out because we haven't paid r-rent in two months. Mum said she took care of it. I have to pay the debt by the end of this week"
"Baby, I'm sure she didn't leave you with nothing!" Tae spoke unsure on what to say. He rubbed small circles on the boys back hoping to calm him down.

"S-she sold everything, all my belongings, everything, it's all gone! Everything I worked hard for, shifts from 6pm till 5am, all of it has gone"
"It's okay baby, you've got me. You can stay with me, I can buy everything you need and more. You don't need to work shifts anymore, you have me"
"I don't want to use the money you've worked hard for though, I can't do that to you"

"Koo, listen to me, live with me. Where else can you go, I'm not letting you live on the streets. I have enough money to spoil you rotten, which I want to and will do so. You're not alone, you'll always have me okay. Please accept"
Jungkook let out a sigh and nodded in defeat.
"Thank you" Jungkook whispered placing a kiss on Tae's neck.

A few minutes later Jungkook had finally calmed down.
"Are you going to be okay to go to class?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine" 
Tae placed the boy on the floor, and wrapped his arms around the boys waist.

He kissed the younger's nose and ruffled his hair.
"I'll go first" Tae gave him one last kiss before leaving the room. He walked back into class and went to the front.
"Settle down, thanks for waiting. Now who can tell me what Macbeth is about?" Tae asked writing on the whiteboard.

"Three witches tells Macbeth his prophecy that he'll be king. He kills king Duncan, then he kills his best friend, but he suffers with guilt, and it takes over his mind. Lady Macbeth tells him to stop being a coward, and then she ends up killing herself and then he dies" a student yelled out.

"Nice one, now turn to act one scene one and read to act one scene two in the script"
The door lightly opened and Jungkook walked in, sitting in his place.
"You can rest till the end of the lesson Jeon"
Jungkook placed his bag on the table and dug his face into it; a few minutes later he fell asleep.

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