CHAPTER 10 🧚‍♀️

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Tae was busy working at his desk, during lunch time. He was marking some assignments when there was a knock at the door.
"Come in" Tae yelled.
He looked up to see a small boy walk in, wearing a oversized blue jumper and skinny black jeans. He instantly recognized who it was.
"Hey baby" Tae placed his pen down and smiled.

"Hi hyungie" Jungkook tiredly spoke.
He waddled over to the elder and stood in front of him. Tae patted his lap signaling to the younger to sit on it. Jungkook did so, and straddled the elders lap. Tae wrapped his arms around the boys small waist while the younger draped his arms over his shoulders. Jungkook placed his head in the crook of Tae's neck and shut his eyes.

"Are you tired baby boy?" Tae softly asked, lightly rubbing his back.
"Mm school makes me sleepy" Jungkook barely made out.
"Sleep bub, I'll wake you up just before bell"
Jungkook lazily nodded, before falling into a deep slumber shortly afterwards. Tae carefully wheeled his chair closer to his desk so he could carry on with his work.

However Tae didn't realise someone had walked into his classroom soon later. Tae heard a cough coming from in front of him. His eyes darted up to he met with the principals face. Tae's eyes widened at the sight of her face.
"Uh I um I can explain" Tae stuttered out quietly.
"You two are so fucking cute" The principal screeched making Jungkook whine slightly from the noise.
She noticed the boy sleeping, and was quick to cover her mouth with her hand.

"Oh my gawd, my heart. I knew you would end up together" She smiled widely, whispering slightly.
"Wait, you don't mind us being together?" Tae asked confused. He thought he was going to get fired there and then.

"Of course I don't mind. I mean I've never had a student and teacher relationship, but I totally support it. Jungkook is such a gem, he's the purest boy going. I lost my dog a few months ago and he helped me find it, even though it was freezing out. After hours of searching he finally found it, and cried from happiness. He has such a pure soul bless him!" She said happily thinking about the incident.
"He sure is" Tae agreed hugging the boy closer, if that's even possible.

"Anyway I'm here to tell you that we're booking the students a trip to the JeJu island. I was just wondering if you wanted to be part of it, but as Jungkook is one of the students able to go I'm sure you'll want to." She laughed gently.
"Sounds great, I'd love to go, thank you" Tae smiled.

"Great I'll email you the details later, but anyway I'll leave you two to it" She winked before leaving the room.
"I wasn't expecting that" Tae said to himself rather surprised.
He felt the younger dig his face deeper into his neck making Tae smile happily. 
"Why do you have to be so cute?" Tae muttered softly.

Tae carried on working till he was interrupted again.
"TAEEEeeeee" Jimin screamed till he noticed the bunny boy sleeping.
"What are y'all doing here?" Tae asked looking at the 5 men standing in front of him.
"We heard about the trip and wondered if you were going as well" Namjoon brightly asked.
"Yeah we are, I just need to check with koo" Tae smiled back at them.

"Wait hold the fluff up, when the nuggets did you two become a thing?!" Hobi widened his jaw.
"Uh a few weeks back, when the school flooded" Tae laughed.
"Why the bum did no one tell me?!" Hobi snapped.
"Because lil sunshine, you only listen to the stuff you want to listen to, you dimwit" Jin snorted.
Hobi crossed his arms and huffed with a huge pout.
"What are you all doing tonight?" Jin asked ignoring Hobi.

They all answered with nothing, which made Jin clap his hands together in delight. Which made Jungkook squirm and wake up. Tae threw a death glare towards Jin as he woke Jungkook up.
"Hyungie?" Jungkook softly spoke hugging Tae tightly. Which made the whole group coo at the youngest.
"Hey baby, did you have a good nap?"
"Excuse me, sorry to ruin your cute shenanigans, but I was asking yall something" Jin huffed.

"Sorry, continue" Yoongi chuckled.
"Anyway do your bum cheeks want to come round mine for the evening? We could do a movie night, but you won't be able to stay cause we have school tomorrow!"
Everyone agreed to the meet up and we're excited for it.
"Omo can we come in our pajamas?" Jimin squealed.
"Aish, look at this child" Hobi snorted.
"Bruh I'm not a child, you...child" Hobi challenged.

"Nice one idiot, calling me a child after I called you a child, what sort of comeback is that?"
"Oi you small piece of mochi I'm gonna..."
"YAH stop bickering will you" Jin screeched.
"Wow what did I get myself into" Yoongi laughed watching the groups personality shine.
"No idea man, but I'm kinda loving it" Namjoon chuckled.
"Cheers to that" Yoongi said showing his gummy smile.

"Koo?" Tae whispered, but there was no answer. He heard soft snores next to him meaning the younger had fallen asleep again.
"Can we stay in here until bell?" Jimin asked.
"Yeah of course, but you need to keep your voices down, as koo has fallen asleep again" Tae chuckled.

"He's so adorable" Yoongi cooed.
"What about me?" Jimin pushed his bottom lip out.
"You're the cutest" Yoongi chuckled.
"Wait, you two as well. Why doesn't anyone tell me anything" Hobi grumbled.
"Uh we aren't uh um..." Yoongi blushed.
Jimin's eyes widened and pulled Hobi close by the ear.
"We aren't dating you dummy" Jimin rolled his eyes.
"Oh shit, sorry, my bad" Hobi awkwardly chuckled.

Tae tried to finish his work during lunch but it was impossible with everyone there, so he decided that he would do it later. By the end of lunch Tae was forced to wake his baby up so they could finish the school day.

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