CHAPTER 29 🧚‍♀️

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"Babbbyyyyy when are you coming home?" Tae asked on the phone.
Jungkook had gone out with Jimin to the mall. Months had passed and Tae had proposed to Jungkook. Yes they are young, but they're the happiest with each other and there's no way they wanted to lose that, ever.

"We're just going into one more shop and I'll be home okay" Jungkook giggled at his fiancé.
"I love you, come home soon" Tae pouted through the phone.
"I love you too hunny, byeee" Jungkook ended the call.
"Wait how did he propose again?" Jimin squealed wanting to hear the full story. He hooked his arms with the maknaes and pulled him into Victoria secret.

"It's was sooo romantic! He took me to the cliff we sat on months ago when we opened up to each other. It was warm, with a cold breeze. He went to get a blanket and came back. He asked me to help him and when I turned around he was on one knee. He gave me this massive speech about how much he loves me and how crazy he must be to ask me to marry him."

"But he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. It was adorable, and I said yes. I never knew I would love a man so much, but here we are" Jungkook sighed with so much contentment.

"That's the cutest thing ever! WAIT Jungkook this would suit you so much!"
Jimin pointed at a pair of deep red lace panties.
"Wow they're so pretty!" Jungkook loved them.

Jungkook picked up the panties and looked around at the others. He picked up a few more pairs and bought them.
"Wait I want to buy a few more oversized tops to wear with them!" Jungkook squealed.

Jungkook and Jimin went to H&M and Jungkook picked out a few more tops which would come to his thighs.
They walked out the shop with many bags in their hands from all different shops. The pair were laughing around until Jungkook bumped into someone.
"Watch where you're going kid!" The man said.

"I'm so sorry sir"
"Here Jungkook I'll help you!" Jimin said picking up some of his bags.
The man turned around shocked and looked at the younger.

"J-Jungkook?" The man said surprised, tears piercing his eyes.
"D-dad?!" Jungkook's mouth opened wide. Although he was young, the man hadn't changed much and Jungkook had seen photos of the man in a old photo book.

"How's your mother?" He asked, stuffing his hands into his pocket, biting away his tears.
"Uh she r-ran off and sold all my belongings"
"Again?!" His dad choked.
"A-again?" Jungkook confusingly asked.
"Uh well- she took you away from me and ran off with most of my money!" He nearly cried thinking back to when he was left.

"S-she said you left us, I d-dont believe you! You slept around with girls and y-you used to scream at me!" Jungkook said crying.
"Jungkookie, it's not true." He tried to say.
"Stop! I've had nightmares about you, your screaming has made me have a fear of loud noises. Jimin let's go" Jungkook cried, tears flowing down his eyes, storming off.

"I'm sure he'll come around soon, I hope we bump into each other again soon" Jimin said, giving a small smile.
Jimin dropped Jungkook home and said his goodbyes. Jungkook carried his bags into the house and dropped them on the floor.

"Babbyyy, I missed you" Tae said running happily down the stairs to greet his fiancé. Tae engulfed the younger in a massive hug. Tae was going to let go but Jungkook held onto him tighter. Small sobs were heard from the younger who was nuzzled into Tae's shoulder.

"Hey hey baby, what's wrong?"
"My d-dad, I bumped into him earlier. H-he said that my mum ran away with me when I was younger and that everything that I thought had happened didn't. I'm so confused. I've had nightmares, of him screaming at me when I was young. Now he shows up and says what my mum said was all a lie. I don't understand" Jungkook cried.

"It's okay baby. Something might have happened to make your mum tell you them things. I'm sure she had a good reason. Don't worry baby, I'm sure we'll figure it out soon. How about you get in comfy clothes and we watch a movie with hot chocolate?"

"I'd love that" Jungkook sighed.
Tae placed a kiss on the younger's forehead lovingly.
"I'll go make the hot chocolate"

Jungkook smiled a little. He picked up his bags and ran upstairs. He put his clothes away and a few other things he bought.
Jungkook put his panties on, and put on a oversized tshirt over the top. He ruffled his hair a bit and sighed.

Once he was done, he ran downstairs and went to the elder who was making the hot chocolate. Jungkook wrapped his arms around the back of Tae's waist and placed his head on the back of his shoulder. They started swaying side to side until the hot chocolate was finally done.

"Here baby"
Tae passed Jungkook's mug to him. Jungkook smiled seeing the whipped scream and extra marshmallow's, with a few chocolate sprinkles.
"I've put some of your favourite snacks on the coffee table"

"Thank you" Jungkook smiles lightly.
"You're looking beautiful baby" Tae asked, making Jungkook nod with a blush. The elder had noticed the panties through the top, which made him smile a bit, trying to cover up his smirk.

Tae pulled the younger by the hand and guided him to the sofa. They placed their hot chocolate's on the coffee table and sat on the sofa. They turned Netflix on and scrolled through the films.

"How about Wild Child?" Tae suggested knowing the younger loved the film.
"I love that film, yes please" Jungkook smiled.
"I know you do bubba"

Tae turned on the film and the couple snuggled up together. Tae raked his hand through the raven's hair as they watched the film. It was times like these, Jungkook seemed to love! He knew no matter what Tae would be with him.

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