CHAPTER 18 🧚‍♀️

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"Come on Tae we're gonna be late!" Jungkook screams pulling the boy to the car.
"Baby we won't be late, you're just over excited" Tae chuckled getting into the car.
"I can't wait" Jungkook clapped his hands happily.

Today was the day, the school were leaving to go to the JeJu island. Jungkook was never able to go on holiday anyway, so it's his first time. Jungkook was so excited, and Tae knew the reason why. He was happy that Jungkook was able to go away for a bit, and he was excited for the day when the couple could go travelling together by themselves. Tae parked his car behind the school, so his car wouldn't get stolen while he was away for the upcoming week. Jungkook jumped out first taking his backpack.

"Koo I'll bring our bags" Tae said.
"Thank you hyungie" Jungkook gave Tae a quick kiss as they didn't want to get caught by other students.
"Imma go find the others, I'll see you later Taetae" Jungkook smiled, waving while running off to where the buses are. Tae just chuckled, following a few minutes later with two bags in his hands and his backpack on his back. He walked over and quickly glanced at Jungkook who was standing with Jimin, Hobi and Jin, smiling happily.

"Morning Kim" Yoongi smiled.
"Hey yoongs, where's Namjoon?" Tae said looking around for the tall, dimpled guy.
"Late as usual, he's on his way though" Yoongi snorted.
"I don't know why I asked that, of course he's late" Tae playfully rolled his eyes.
"Jungkook seems to be excited" Yoongi said chuckling at the younger who was bouncing up and down with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Indeed he is, he literally dragged me out of the house this morning claiming we were late, when in actual fact we were an hour early." Tae chuckled.
"Bless him"
"Anyway how's you and Jimin?" Tae cocked an eyebrow his way.

"Uh um I-I don't know what you're talking about" Yoongi coughed embarrassingly.
"Are we really going to have this talk? I know you like him" Tae smirked.
"Okay okay yes I do, I was thinking about asking him on a date once we get back this week."
"Yes bro, tell me how it goes" Tae threw a wink at him.

"Hi guys" Namjoon called.
"Wow you actually made it in time" Tae clapped a little too loudly, making a few people turn and look at him, which Tae just shrugged off.
"Alright, I couldn't find my toothbrush" Namjoon scratched the back of his head awkwardly.
"How on earth- you know what I'm not even gonna question it" Yoongi said making both males laugh and Namjoon left there looking embarrassed.

"Right everyone, the bus ride is about 8 hours overall as we will be getting the ferry half way as you're already aware. We have 3 different buses and the students and teachers on those buses will be your groups through the whole week" the head of year called out.

She called out bus A and now was bus B...
"Right teachers on bus B are Mr Kim, Mr Min, Mr Kim, Sorry girls who are on bus B, we don't have enough female teachers to have one in each group, I hope that's okay. It you're in that group and don't feel comfortable we can swap some of you"

All the girls screamed that they were happy, all replying as they didn't know who was in that group yet. But they all trusted the three male teachers, which the teachers were happy about.
"God we better be in this group" Jimin muttered.
She started reading out names, Jungkook was becoming more worried thinking that he might be in a different group.
"Park Jimin, Kim Seokjin, Jung Hoseok and lastly Jeon Jungkook" Jungkook let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He looked over at Tae and smiled happily, making the elder return a smile.

She quickly briefed everyone on behavior, before letting everyone put their bags in their buses and then getting on the bus. They all got on the bus, the boys decided to sit around the middle of the bus, Jungkook and Hobi sat directly in front of Jimin and Jin.

While the teachers sat right at the front. They put their seat belts on and got comfortable. Tae stood up, after waiting for everyone to get settled. He walked up the bus doing a head count and making sure everyone was wearing their seat belts. He placed his thumbs up to Yoongi and Namjoon telling them that everyone was accounted for. The bus started to drive out the schools car park.

Tae leant into Jungkook's seat, as he made an announcement to the bus.
"Right guys, I'm expecting best behaviour. If you're eating, put your rubbish in the bin bags in front of you. If you feel sick call out for us, and if I see any of you being stupid you're gonna have to sit with us at the front" Tae knew he was talking to teenage adults, but they are just as immature as 12 years olds.

"Also if you're listening to music on a speaker, don't blast so the whole bus can hear it, cause it's probably crap. We will be stopping at a service station half way before we get to the ferry. Also as the day draws in, we will be getting to the hotel quite late, so I presume people will choose to sleep, please respect that and not disturb them but loud talking or music.  Anyway enjoy the journey" Tae finished his speech.

Tae quickly ruffled the younger's hair subtly before carefully walking to his seat.
"That" Jungkook gawked out loud.
"Whipped" Hobi commented.
Time passed, Hobi and Jungkook were watching a film together on Hobi's laptop.
"I'm hungry" Jungkook pouted.
He grabbed his backpack to see if Tae had packed any food for him. He opened it up and they back had different bags of candy, some other snacks and cut up fruit.
"I love my man" Jungkook sighed in delight.
"God I'm so jealous!" Hobi's eyes widened at the amazing snacks the boy had!
"Don't worry Hobi we can share" Jungkook giggled.

He gave a bag to Hobi and got one out for him. Jungkook got his phone out and quickly messaged Tae.

Baby boi 🧸
Thank you for the food you packed for me 🥺

Taetae 👑
No problem baby, I miss you 💓

Baby boi 🧸
I miss you too hyungie 🥺🙈

Taetae 👑
What have been doing to pass time?

Baby boi 🧸
Hobi and I are watching a film
What about you? 😇

Taetae 👑
Listening to music and talking to Yoongi and Namjoon,, it's boring without you 😔

Baby boi 🧸
Awhh I'll meet up with you in the service station with the others 😌
I should probably get back to the movie, it's the good part

Taetae 👑
Good idea bub, have fun! Love you 💓

Baby boi 🧸
Love you millions 💞💞💞💞💞💞

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