Chapter 11

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"You are a big time liar..."


Ayan's POV:


I stood there, looking at the scenario in front of me. Extreme anger built up inside me as I felt my heart clenching seeing Ayaah's eyes tear up.
I went near them but stopped on my tracks as I heard Mahira.

"You're just a cousin of Ayan! You don't hold any importance in his life. So don't you dare try to hit on Ayan! I won't let you snatch him away from me."
My blood boiled hearing her. Who the hell is she to say those words to Ayaah! I wanted to confront her right then but stopped wanting to here the full conversation. I hid behind a wall to hear what they are saying.

I thought Mahira will talk rubbish again but my Ayaah is not as weak as you think. She spoke up for herself. This quality of Ayaah makes me love her more. She could've told me the truth, but no. She takes stand for herself. She isn't weak or helpless but a strong individual.

Suddenly my heart skipped a beat!

"Yes, I have feelings for Ayan.
But that doesn't mean I want to get him at any cost!" These words of Ayaah made my heartbeat stop as I registered her words in my mind.

I didn't hear anything else after that, it's just that, I don't know if I heard the truth. My Ayaah has feelings for me!
Ya Allah! I should've known these before. How can I be so stupid! Her every action states that she has feelings for me. How could I overlook it.

Oh Ayh! If you stated your feelings to me before, I would've not done all these dramas. But I also acted like an idiot! I shouldn't have done those girlfriends drama. She thought that I don't have any feelings for her!.

"His happiness is definitely mine, but not him!"
I heard her saying as a smile formed on my lips.

You are way beyond anybody's thinking Ayaah! You are simply unique...

Flashback ends..

I thought of Ayaah's confession as that made my heart swell with happiness. Now that I know about Ayaah's feelings for me, I have decided that I won't do these drama anymore. I want Ayaah as my wife, as soon as possible.

I slightly have an idea of what's going on in Mahira's mind. And I don't have a good feeling about it.
Ahh! I shouldn't have agreed to her deal in the first place. But not anymore, I can guarantee that today is the last day of that deal.

I leaned on the couch of my room and ran my fingers in my messy hair to make it more messy. It's Sunday today so, I am not going office today. I am wearing the casual Kurta pajama.
I really need a break from this stress...

Just then my phone rings and as I check the caller id. It's Yasir.

"Hey Yasir, it's good that you called. I was gonna call you anyways.... " I couldn't complete my sentence as he cut me in the mid way, "AGREEING WITH MAHIRA WAS YOUR WORST DECISION EVER!" He yelled on the phone.

"Wh.. what happened to you!" I asked flabbergasted.

"Look at the news first." I heard Yasir's tensed voice.
"I am sure you won't like it.."

𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧 ✔Where stories live. Discover now