Chapter 31

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"What is my fault?"

Ayan's POV:

"You have to come here first to know why!" I could hear her voice trembling a little.

"Okay, I will come..." The phone was cut after that.

I don't know why,
I didn't feel right listening to her. What happened to her? We were fine this morning then suddenly what happened?

I hurriedly dressed up and came downstairs with my car keys. As I reached the gate my mom called me from the back.
"Where are you leaving? At this time of the night!" She asked me and I turned towards her.

"To Phoopa's home... Umm... I don't have much time... I will tell you everything after I come back." Saying this I was leaving when mom came in front of me.

"You are not going anywhere! And anyways the bride and groom shouldn't meet so often before the Ruksati!" She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Mom, our Nikkah is already finished... There isn't any logic in this thing! So let me go!" She looked annoyed by my answer.

"Ayan, don't argue with me! You are not going there... It's not polite..." She said as she started to drag inside.

"Mom! I NEED TO GO THERE! It's important for me to go there!" I said making my statement clear.

"You won't listen to me! Will you..." She asked me and I sighed.

"Mom! I told you I will tell you after I come back... Okay! Allah hafiz..." I said as I exited my mansion.
I heard her screaming my name from behind but I didn't give any heed.

She is behaving weird today!


I pressed the calling bell of the door but I didn't hear any response.
As I pressed it again, Nick opened the door.

"Bro..." She looked worried which made me more anxious.

"Is everything okay, Nick?" She sighed and stood aside so that I could enter the house

"Ayaah! Please open the door!" I heard the faint voice of phoopa.
My heart literally came out of my chest!
What happened to Ayaah?

I ran upstairs to her room to see mom and dad banging on her door. She wasn't responding to any of their calls.
They both looked behind to see me and they both looked really worried. Their eyes were red like they had been crying or something.

"What happened to her?"  I asked them worried.

"Ayaah is not opening the door!"

My heartbeat literally stopped listening to them.
Various wrong thoughts started to come inside my mind. Everything was okay this morning... Then what happened?

I went near her door and knocked a little furiously trying to show my anger. But my worry was visible as my hands were shivering while knocking.

"Ayaah! What is this behavior? Open the door... See your parents are getting tensed.
If there is a problem, we can sit and talk. This isn't a way to handle a situation!
Open the door!" I knocked furiously again to hear a response from her, but I didn't hear anything.

My heart was getting anxious each second, not hearing anything from her!
Ya Allah, please let her be safe!
I silently pray to god as I knocked again.

"Ayaah, open the door dear! How will I understand, why you asked me to come here?"
But I again heard nothing.

No, it isn't working... I think I need to break the door.
Just when I was going to break the door I heard the door opening sound.

𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧 ✔Where stories live. Discover now