Chapter 62

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Su Tang saw the orange cat's praise and grinned. 'Thank you for your praise. But if it weren't for the fact that the level of your space farm upgrades so slowly, would I have to do this myself?'

The orange cat huffed and turned around while pretending it couldn't hear her.

Recently, Su Tang seemed to have a lot of complaints. She said that whenever someone else got a space, their space would always start off filled to the brim with valuable things. Those people would find ancient wild ginsengs that could prolong a person's life and other rare medical herbs lying around all over the place like they were radishes. But when it came to her, she had to start by literally growing radishes.

Even after it reached level eight, the space farm could still only grow a few ordinary things like dates, corn, and so on, plus she had to go in and manually harvest the produce and then sell it back to the space to get more points. They were all people who received a magical space, so why was only her treatment so poor?

The orange cat could deeply feet its owner's dislike and was on the verge of a breakdown every day. Sadly, it could only tell itself to be strong while muttering. 'If other people's spaces seem very powerful from the beginning, that means that's as far as that space will ever go. On the other hand, my space farm can continuously upgrade itself until one day it will become much better than theirs.'

'So I just have to wait for the day when you finally break through the void and completely ascend, ah~!' Su Tang answered sarcastically, not believing it at all.

Besides, even if the orange cat's space really was so powerful, by the time she managed to upgrade it to that level, she was pretty sure she would have already died of old age. That was why Su Tang liked to deliberately bully the orange cat this way.

In fact, she knew that was already considered very lucky to have been able to transmigrate and live again after dying once. She reminded herself that people shouldn't be too greedy. Having a space or anything else wasn't as good as being able to rely on her own ability. She knew that as long as she could rely on herself, her life would continue to get better and better no matter what happened.

The orange cat felt like it was really having a breakdown right now, so it dove into Su Tang's arm while thinking that it must have really had something wrong with its head when it decided to bind itself to a master like this.

Su Tang saw that the small cat on her wrist had its eyes closed and a look of exasperation on its face, which made her smirk. Then she returned her attention to the business at hand. After confirming what pattern she wanted to use, she took out the thread she had bought and began to pick which colors to use.

When darkness began to fall Su Nuo finally came back. Seeing that, Su Tang didn't force herself to keep working. Instead, she heated up some milk for her little brother and told him to get some rest.

After Su Nuo fell asleep, Su Tang quietly got back up and busied herself in the space with her usual routine of harvesting everything on the farm before she finally went to bed herself.

In the days after that, Su Tang didn't put her attention onto anything else. She got up early to prepare breakfast every day and then, except for going into town to deliver the fish balls, she devoted all of her time to making clothes.

Su Tang had told Pengmo that she would be able to finish the clothes after half a month and, on top of that, she still had to make quilts and winter clothes for herself and her brother, so she had a lot of sewing on her hands. That was why she was trying to get everything done as quickly as possible.

Su Nuo knew that his sister was busy making clothes these days, so aside from his usual task of collecting firewood, he was also helping Su Tang cook their lunches as much as he could. Whenever Su Tang would come back from delivering the fish balls, he would help her make a big pot of porridge because he wanted them both to be able to rely on each other and improves their lives together.

Then, finally, the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival began, Su Tang finished both sets of clothing.

When she saw that she had successfully made the clothes up to the standard she wanted, Su Tang breathed a long sigh of relief.

Even though she said that she could sell her soap recipe if she accidentally ruined the fabric, she hadn't wanted to do that at all. Now that she saw the clothes were completed smoothly, it meant that she was going to get ten taels of silver, and with that being the case how could she be unhappy?

"Sister, I'm back!" While Su Tang was busy carefully looking very the clothes she had made, Su Nuo came back.

Su Tang heard her brother's voice and looked up. When Su Nuo stepped inside, he saw that the two sets of clothes were done, and his eyes lit up. "Sister, you finished making the clothes?!"

"Mhm. Anyway, come inside. Let's eat quickly and then head into town together." Su Tang said.

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