Chapter 102

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"Mm, it will be a problem. You should rent a courtyard. Anyway, your Luo family will expect you to get a fair quantity of soap, so you will need a place to store the goods anyway, right?" When Su Tang heard the other girl was staying at an inn she directly told her it wouldn't be suitable for their operations.

"It seems that you have a lot of confidence in our cooperation. As it happens, the inn I stayed in yesterday was really uncomfortable, so I can rent a courtyard. However, how can I contact you? What time will you come to see me tomorrow?"

Luo Xingchen was also very straightforward. She wasn't short of money and, if Su Tang's mysterious business really was profitable, this kind of expense was nothing.

"I need to use a kitchen, and I'll need a flat grill made from iron, the kind that can be moved. Also, prepare firewood, a stove, and regular kitchen utensils. I'll walk to town early tomorrow morning, so just wait for me at the town's entrance."

As Su Tang talked about how she needed to use a kitchen and listed out everything she needed, Luo Xingchen wrote down her requests one by one. When that was finished, she replied, "Alright, then I'll see you again tomorrow. We can talk about the matters regarding your soap then."

Obviously, with the 90% that Su Tang wanted, even if Luo Xingchen felt as if she had finally found a like-minded friend in the other girl, in the end, it was as Su Tang had said. She was still just the Second Young Master of the Luo family of Beikou, not the head of the household, so there was no way she could concede so much benefit for nothing.

Similarly, since Su Tang wanted such a big benefit for herself, she obviously couldn't just rely on her own words to persuade the other party, she needed to show the other girl the value of cooperating with her.

They were both smart people, so they didn't waste time trying to settle things today, but instead tacitly agreed to finish up tomorrow.

When discussions reached that point and were more or less wrapped up for the day, Su Tang led Luo Xingchen out of the Song residence and, when the other girl was finally gone, she showed a smile. It seemed that, with Luo Xingchen, many of her ideas for business could be realized.

"Xiao Four, was she telling the truth just now?" Although Su Tang had judged for herself that Luo Xingchen probably hadn't been lying, she still asked the orange cat to confirm it.

When the orange cat heard Su Tang's question, he responded lazily, "She didn't lie."

"Can you tell me how you know whether a person is lying or not?" Su Tang asked out of curiosity.

In the past, even though the orange cat liked to say it was a great four-legged Divine Beast and guardian of her space, Su Tang had always secretly felt that this so-called guardian wasn't actually all that powerful. From what she could tell the orange cat's only unique skill was his ability to eat radishes.

However, around the same time that she noticed her own amazing memorization abilities, she had also learned that the orange cat could distinguish between whether people were lying or telling the truth. After she learned that fact, she felt that maybe she had underestimated the abilities of a Divine Beast.

The orange cat snorted, "It's no wonder a two-legged beast like you can't figure it out. I didn't have this ability until your space reached level 10. The only reason you think I'm useless is because you've never bothered trying to upgrade the space at all."

The space that the orange cat was the guardian of was not the kind of magical space that seemed omnipotent from the moment it recognized a master. Spaces like that were very powerful and had their own advantage, that advantage is that they could immediately provide the master of the space the greatest amount of help. However, they also had a downside, which was that they would never advance or get stronger from that point.

The space the orange cat guarded and the farm within were different from those kinds of spaces and, although the starting point was a little low, whenever it upgraded itself the functions of the space farm would only become more and more powerful. Similarly, as the Divine Beast who served as the guardian of space, he would also become more and more powerful.

"For now you can only grow mundane things like radishes and Chinese cabbages, but maybe you will even be able to grow Jadite Cabbages* in the future. As long as you strive to upgrade the space, anything is possible." From the side, the orange cat urged Su Tang to try to upgrade the space.

Su Tang nodded along to the orange cat's words, she also felt that it was necessary to upgrade the space further. For instance, she definitely wanted to unlock the supermarket. Although she didn't know what all would be in the supermarket she felt that, if nothing else, there should at least be sanitary pads, ah~.




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