Chapter 112

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Of course, since it was the customer's custom order, she must have some use for it. The carpenter carefully confirmed the specifics of what Su Tang wanted first, and when he saw they were on the same page, he said, "I can do it, no problem. One hundred copper coins. You pay the deposit today little girl, and come the day after tomorrow to pick it up."

In fact, this order was much easier than a wood basin or barrel of a similar size since there was no technical content to speak of. However, because it was relatively large and the little girl wanted a separate grid with a hundred squares, the price was a little on the expensive side.

When she heard the carpenter's price, Su Tang said directly, "I'll take five for the time being, can you give me a cheaper price?"

Of course, Su Tang was aware that this thing was not something complicated to build, it just required strength and wood to make. And, now that she had cemented her cooperation with the Luo family, she estimated that the shipments of soap required in the future would not be too small, so she might as well make a few more of these tools right now, so she would be able to supply the goods at that time.

The carpenter and his wife had thought Su Tang had only wanted to order one, but then she unexpectedly said she wanted to buy five. This was a big piece of business for their small shop, so both of them smiled, before the woman said, "Since this little girl wants so many, we should give her a discount."

After careful consideration, the carpenter said, "For five, the charge will be 480 copper coins." Twenty copper coins were erased at once.

Su Tang felt the discount was appropriate, so she said, "Thank you, uncle, auntie. It's settled then. I'll give you a deposit of one hundred copper coins now. After you've made the first one, can you send it to my residence?"

The two naturally agreed. They took Su Tang's hundred copper coins given and then asked her where to send it once it was ready. Su Tang gave them the address of the courtyard Luo Xingchen had rented and then left the shop with a spring in her step.

After that, Su Tang still didn't go back to the Song residence, instead, she headed over to North Street. North Street was the part of Qinghe Town where most of the wealthy families in the town gathered. It was not as chaotic as West Street, where most of the poorer residents of the town were all living together. Compared to them, most of the residents of North Street were wealthier and had no problems with food or clothing.

Su Tang followed the orange cat to the door of a certain building and asked him, 'Are you sure this is the right place?'

'Of course, I heard it with my own ears. A man said that although the Mrs. Li who owns this place is a slave trader, the people she receives are all decent and if you really want to buy a slave, she's the person to find.'

When the orange cat heard his master doubting him, he quickly and proudly reassured her that there was absolutely no problem with his source of information.

As it turned out, Su Tang had come here to buy some people. She had already signed a cooperation contract with Luo Xingchen, so she would have to make soap for Luo family continuously from now on. However, she knew that she alone would not be able to make all the soap that would be required.

Although making soap was not complicated at all, it would just be exhausting if she had to make it all alone. She worked to make money so she could enjoy life, not so she could tire herself to death.

In addition, she now had a little money in my hand, so Su Tang felt it was okay to buy someone to help her out since it would be very hard to do it all herself.

When she saw the orange cat happily puffed up with pride, Su Tang couldn't help but stroke his fur a few times until his eyes started to squint comfortably. Then she knocked on the black door in front of her with a smile.

"Coming!" After she knocked, Su Tang heard the voice of the woman from inside.

With a squeak, the black door opened, and a woman in her forties appeared. When she saw Su Tang standing outside, she was startled, and she said, "Little girl, who are you looking for?"

The woman was dressed in simple blue clothes that looked to be made from coarse cloth, but her clothes were starched and cleanly washed. Her salt-and-pepper hair was tied up into a simple bun and fixed with a silver hairpin, amd overall she gave a very neat and clean impression.

"Are you Mrs. Li?" Su Tang asked the woman.

"I am. Were you looking for me, little girl?" Mrs. Li looked at Su Tang uncertainly. She couldn't think why a little girl would come to find her.




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