Chapter 2

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He picks you up and carries you bridal style. You're confused at his fast movements but his actions made you even more dizzy.

"Kirishima what are you doing?!" You say as you try and wiggle out of his grip.

"I'm taking you to recovery girl" He says running down the hall, holding on to you tightly.


You walk out with Kirishima as he waves bye. You wanted to thank him but also didn't want him bombarding you with questions.

"What happened Y/N?" He asked. What were you supposed to tell him? The truth would probably be nice, but you didn't want him to worry.

"I just fell" You laugh brushing off the question. From the look on his face though he didn't believe it.

Y'all walk into class sitting back down. Everyone was looking at you. It was so awkward, you hated the attention on you.

You tried not focus on everyone's eyes on you, but was impossible. You wanted to scream at everyone and tell them to stop looking at you but that would make it worse.


As class ended you wanted to get out of the school without being stopped. You go to get up until you feel a hand on your shoulder.

"Y/N, is everything alright? Kirishima told me what happened." Mina said as she spun you around to meet her face.

Of course he would tell Mina.

"I'm fine, I'm just clumsy, you know" You say as you rub the back of your neck. She knew you were lying too.

Is it really that easy for people to tell when I'm lying?

You grabbed the rest of your stuff and headed out the door. You felt sick to your stomach as you walked outside.

You look for your sisters car but she was no where in sight. She is never here on time anymore.

You sighed as you grabbed your headphones. You walked over and sat down on the bench, drifting off to sleep.


"While we are gone, please watch over Y/N" Your mother said to your sister as you were giggling with your dad.

"Okay mom!" She said as she gave your mother one last hug.

Time passes and your parents still have yet to come home.

"Sissy? Where's mommy and daddy?" You said as you walked up to her.

She didn't answer until her phone rang. She picked it up and you stood there confused. You couldn't hear anything they were saying.

You saw your sisters face go blank and start crying as she hung up the phone.

"Sissy why are you crying?" You say as you go up to her and give her a hug.

She shoves you off her. You sat on the floor scared of what was going to happen, she has never acted like this.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" She yelled, throwing everything in sight at you.

You covered your helpless young body as she threw more and more things.

YOU!" She cried as she picked up a glass vase, throwing it at you.

You try to move from it but failed as it gashed open your leg.

You started screaming and crying in pain, as your sister walked over to where you laid on the ground.

"Your worthless now." She says as she walked away.

You stood up from the ground limping over to the bathroom, leaving a blood trail behind you.

You made it to the bathroom and shut the door. Not long after, your sister was banging on the door, but you ignored her.


Ever since mom and dad died you've been treated differently. Your sister was in control of you and everything you did. She blamed you for their death and after a while you started to believe her.

You've slept outside many times for 'being disobedient'.

"If mom and dad were around I bet everything would be better.."


You sat up and gasped for air with tear marks streaming down your face.

Why can't I just stop thinking about my past..

You thought as you rubbed your puffy eyes and opened your backpack for your phone. You checked the time.


What is taking her so long..

You decided to call Mina. She was the only one that would answer and give you a ride home, other than that you would have to walk an hour away.

The phone line started to ring, you started worry she wouldn't pick up but eventually she did.

"Mina?" You said looking down at the ground.

"What's up Y/N?" She said.

"Can you pick me up from the school, my sister still hasn't came to get me yet" You said in a whisper tone.

What if she says no, then I'm going to have to-

"Of course I can! I'll be there in 5 minutes" She said hanging up the phone.

You let out a sigh of relief.


A couple minutes later you see her driving up to the school.

You got up and walked over to her car, getting in.

"Is everything okay?" She said as she drove to your house.

"Yeah, my sister just probably forgot" You laugh as you look out the window.

Everything was so pretty, the trees blowing in the wind, seeing little animals hopping around on the grass.

Not long after, she arrived at your house. You smiled and got out of the car.

"Thanks Mina! I owe you one" You said as you walked up to the front door. You let out a sigh as you walked inside, shutting the door behind you.

You look around only to see your sister passed out on the couch. You rolled your eyes and went upstairs to your room.

Finally back home...

You thought as you put your stuff down and laid on your bed, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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