Chapter 8

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You felt a tap on your shoulder, as you slowly woke up from your nap.

You turned your head over to see if it was Kirishima, but he was facing forward.

You groaned as you had to lift up your head, the tables cold surfaced comforted you a little.

You turned around to see who was taping on your shoulder, and it was Bakugou.

"Meet me after class" He said as he sat back down in his chair.

He really had the AUDACITY, to wake me up, just to tell me to 'meet him after class.'

You scoffed and turned back around, after sitting there for a minute you felt your body start to shiver.

Did someone turn on the air conditioner?

You wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to warm up a little. You just couldn't get warm though.

"Aizawa, can I go to the bathroom?" You said as your teeth chattered together. He looked at you and nodded his head.

You got up from your chair, slowly walking out of the class. You made your way down the empty halls, heading out the school doors.

You made it out in the sun, letting go of yourself as you started to absorb the warmth.

I wish this could last forever, I wonder what it would be like to lay on a cloud.

You thought as you stared up in the sky, you had to go back inside before anyone started to think of anything.

You let out a sigh as you walked back inside, making your way back to class.

Right when you opened the door, you felt the freezing air brush down your spine.

You took a deep breath and made your way back to your seat, shivering from the cold.

Why didn't I bring anything warmer.

You thought as you sat in your chair, putting your arms inside your sweater, holding on to yourself to get warm.


The bell finally rang for class to end, you got up to leave, until you remembered Bakugou had to talk to you.

You walked out of the classroom and looked around for Bakugou. You soon spotted him and walked over to him.

Damn, even the hallways are freezing.

You thought as you shivered, once you made it to him, he looked you up and down.

"Are you cold or something? He asked as leaned again the wall.

"What do you think" You said as you glared at him, he just scoffed.

"Anyways, what happened, and why were those idiots saying they were 'glad your ok'" He said. You shook your head and looked at him.

This is going to take a while.


After explaining everything to him, he just stood there, shocked.

"Dumbass why didn't you tell me?!" He said, slightly shouting at you.

"Because I didn't think you actually cared." You said, giving him the same tone and attitude. He rolled his eyes at you and started to walk away.

"Of course I care about you." He said as he walked away. You stood there, shocked, he cared about you.

I didn't think he would actually care, he always seems like a- OH SHIT.

You thought as you remembered Hawks was waiting for you. You walked quickly out of the school, just to meet Hawks.

He seemed pretty busy though, a ton of people were surrounding him, asking for his autograph.

You just stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame. It didn't take long until he noticed you. Once y'all made eye contact he excused himself from everyone, walking over to you.

"You ready to go kid?" He asked as he stood in front of you. All his fans were just staring at you, it felt so weird.

"U-uh yeah" You said as you put your hand behind your neck, he smiled as he went to pick you up, but backed away after he felt your cold hands.

"Are you feeling ok, your hands are freezing." He said as he pulled you into the sunlight, to try and warm you up.

"I'm fine, the classroom was just freezing." You said as you laughed. He nodded at your response, picking you up afterwards.

"At least give me a heads up before you pick me up." You said as you felt your face get hot, you turned your head out of his view, so he couldn't see.

He let out a small laugh as he jumped into the air, flying away. You couldn't help but look down at his fans, their faces were hilarious.


Y'all arrived at his place after a few minutes, he set you down, following you inside.

You went to walk to your room until you heard him say something.

"You know, this is your house too now, you don't always have to stay cramped up in that room." He said as you turned around.

"Oh, thanks" You said as you smiled, but he let out a sigh.

"Stop thanking me for everything" He groaned, you remembered what he said earlier. You just nodded your head instead of saying sorry, because he probably would have gotten onto you about that too.

"Ok, I have to go patrol so I'll be back around 8." He said as he started to walk out. You made your way to your room, until you heard him say something else.

"Also I put my number in your phone, just in case of anything." He said, as he walked out of the house.

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