Chapter 41

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After a long day of school the bell rang finally rang, and you shot up out of your seat.

You walked out of the classroom to find Mina.

"Where is she." You mumbled to yourself as you turned the corner.

"Y/N!" Mina said as she ran up to you.

"Oh hey! I was just looking for you." You said as you walked up to her.

"Want me to take you home again?" She asked as she stood in front of you.

"Sure, but I have to use the bathroom really fast, so I'll meet you out there." You said, she nodded and walked away from you.

You continued to walk towards the bathroom, as people were trying to get out of the school.

Once you made it, you opened the door and walked in, splashing your face with water.

"Long day. I can just go home now and be with him." You whispered as you dried your face and walked out.

You walked out and turned, but you bumped into someone.

"Excuse me." You said as you kept your head down and tried to walk away.

The person grabbed the collar of your shirt, lifting you off of the ground.

"Not you again." You mumbled as you swung out your leg, kicking them in the groin.

The person groaned in pain as he dropped you.

You fell on your face, causing your nose to start bleeding.

You got up quickly and started running away from the situation.

"I WILL GET YOU TOMORROW!" The person yelled as you ran away.

You made it out the front door and ran to the car.

You opened the door and quickly got inside, your actions caused Mina to look over at you.

"Is everything ok? What happened?!" She questioned as she turned towards you.

"I'm fine just drive." You said as you covered up your nose.

"You're clearly not ok. What happened." Mina said as she put her hand on your shoulder.

You looked up, revealing your bloody nose.

Her eyes widened in shock as she grabbed a tissue.

"The guy is back, he picked me up and I kicked him and he dropped me on my face so that's how this happened." You said as you grabbed the tissue and held it to your nose.

"He is dead." Mina said as she started to get out of the car.

You grabbed her shirt, causing her to sit back down.

"Just take me home please." You whispered, she nodded her head and started the car.

You looked out the window as she continued to drive.

It wasn't long until she arrived at the house, you got out and she did too.

"You're staying?" You questioned as you walked up.

"No I just need to talk to Keigo." She said as she walked with you.

You opened the door, looking at Keigo on the couch.

"Welcome home babybird- are you ok?" He said as he got up and walked over to you.

"I'm fine, I'm going to change though." You said as you walked away from him, leaving them to talk.

You got into his room and put your ear to the door, trying to listen to their conversation.

I can't hear shit.

You thought as you shrugged it off and walked to his closet.

You got out a t-shirt and shorts, and put it on.

After you walked out and headed back to the living room to see Keigo leaning against the wall.

"So who is this.. boy." Keigo said as he walked towards you. You could see his eyes were full of anger.

"Keigo." You said as you looked down.

He placed a hand on your shoulder and put a finger under your chin, making you look at him.

"I don't like how you're just letting this happen." He said as he connected eye contact with you.

"I'm not though." You said as you crossed your arms.

He nodded his head and walked away from you.

"Where are you going?" You questioned as he walked away.

"I need to make a phone call." He said as he walked off to the bedroom, shutting the door.

You sighed and sat on the couch, grabbing the blanket he was using and pulling it onto you.

Who is he calling, and what were they talking about.

You thought as you flicked through the channels.

It wasn't long until Keigo returned back to you, sitting beside you.

"Good news." He said, causing you to look at him.

"I'm going with you to classes tomorrow, I already talked to Aizawa about it and he approved." He said as he smiled.

You eyes shot open as the words came out of his mouth.

I don't know weather I should be happy or scared.

The Flight {Hawks x Reader}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin