Chapter 3

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You open your eyes to the sunlight beaming through the curtains. Quickly you grabbed a pillow and put it over you face.

After a few minutes of laying there you ended up getting out of bed.

You groaned as you checked the time on your phone.


"Shit.." You whispered. Not only did you sleep all day yesterday but now your late for class.

Standing up you quickly changed and ran downstairs with your backpack, you looked for your sister but she wasn't there.

Her car is here though...

You thought as you looked at her car in the driveway. Not long after you spotted her keys too.

I'm going to regret this..

As you grabbed her keys and ran outside. You knew how to drive a little but looks like you're going to learn pretty quick.

You started the car and headed off to school.


Once you were at school you ran inside, trying to get to class. They were probably back from the field already so you headed to the classroom.

You open the classroom door as everyone's eyes met you, even Aizawa's. You opened your mouth to talk but nothing came out. So you just decided to walk to your seat.

"Your late Y/N." Aizawa said in a low and stern voice.

Don't you think I know that...

"Sorry I over slept" You gestured as he shook his head and turned around.


The day was finally over, your sister has been blowing up your phone asking where her car was, but you ignored her.

You walked over to her car and drove home.
Today wasn't a good day, you over slept, stole your sisters car, got embarrassed...

Not long after leaving, you arrived at home. Once you turned off the car you made your way up to the front door.

Do I really want to go in...

You thought, you were going to have to go in soon or your sister was going to drag you in.

You took a deep breath of the cold fresh air and went inside.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" She screamed as she ran downstairs. You shrugged your arms and threw her keys at her.

She stood there looking at the keys, then looking at you.

"You took my car..." She said in a low tone.

"Well it wasn't here so it was with me" You said putting your stuff on the couch. You were going to sit down until you felt some what of a choking matter around your neck.

It was your sister, and she looked mad.

"WHY WOULD YOU TAKE MY CAR?! MY CAR!" She screamed in your face. You felt drops of spit on your cheeks from her yelling.

"I.. w-was go-oing.. to b-be" You tried to squeeze out words, still trying to catch your breath.

"I DONT CARE!" She said as she threw you on the ground.

You looked up at her as your body was trembling in fear.

"Life would be so much better if you weren't around. Mom and dad would still be alive if you weren't here." She said as she walked away from you.

You sat there just thinking about what she said.

Would they really still be here..

Getting up from the floor, you let your thoughts take over your body.

Soon it wasn't you that was in control, it was your head.

You walked to the bathroom and look over your shoulder, just to meet your reflection staring back.


You closed the door and shortly after, you slid down it, silently crying with your knees to your chest.

You opened the drawer above you grabbing a sharp pointy item.

You held it in your shaking hands, thinking about everything, before you do it.

'Do it. You're worthless and no one wants you here.'

You cried silently as you slowly pressed it on your pale skin.

'It's your fault mom and dad died. Your friends only hang around you because they feel bad.'

The thoughts took over and one line turned into many.

You placed it on the ground as you watched the blood drip out from the cuts. You looked around as the blood flow became more and more heavy.

You stood up and looked in the mirror again. This time your face was emotionless.

The old scars on your arm now had new ones next to them.

You walked to your room and took out a piece of paper, writing a letter to your sister as blood dribbled down on it.

'Thank you sis for everything you did. I hope life is better now that I'm gone. I'll tell mom and dad you miss them and said hello.
Love you- Y/N'

You folded it up and slid it under her closed door.

Shortly after you headed out the house, making your way to your next destination.

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