Chapter 10

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You woke up and quickly sat up, feeling tears streaming down your face.

You looked around to see you were in your bed, not on the streets.

You let out a breath of relief, as you looked over to the time.


You looked back over at yourself, to find your body was shaking pretty badly.

You stood up from your bed and walked over to your closet, putting on some sweatpants.

Wait didn't I fall asleep on the couch..

You thought as you continued to put on your pants. The thought didn't stay long though, as you proceeded to walk out of your room.

You wanted to knock on Keigo's door to see if he was home, but you pulled yourself not to do it.

You walked out into the kitchen, getting yourself some water. As you grabbed the cup, it almost slipped out of your hands.

Oh. my. god. Stupid hands, stop shaking.

You thought to yourself as you tried not to drop it this time. You walked over to the sink and filled it up with water, setting it down on the table.

You sat down and placed your hands on your head, you couldn't stop thinking about the dream.

You felt tears start to fall down from your eyes again, you tried not to make any noise because if he was home, you didn't want to wake him.

You pulled out your phone, and decided to text Mina. What if she really did block you?

You messaged her a simple 'Hello', as you watched the little words pop up under it.

You let out a sigh and started to relax, you placed your phone down on the table, but you still couldn't stop crying from everything that happened.

After a few minutes, your breathing started to pick up. You widened your eyes as you tried to control it but couldn't.

All the noise around you started going fuzzy, all you could hear was your heart beating.

What would I even do for everyone to hate me.

You thought as you sat there, crying with your hands holding back your hair.

You looked around the kitchen, for something that could calm you. You spotted a stand holding knifes. You worked up the strength to stand up and walk over to it.

Hawks POV.
I woke up, hearing noises in the kitchen. I stood up out of bed, and started to head towards the sound.

As I walked out I saw Y/N, just sitting at the table, crying. Before I got the chance to walk over to her, she stood up.

What is she doing..

I thought as I watched her.

She started heading towards the counter, I just stood there, confused.

I saw her reach out and grab a knife from the knife stand, crying and holding it at her arm. My eyes widened, I started running over to her, sending out a feather, to knock the knife out of her hands.

I walked to her as she fell down on her knees. I kicked the knife away from her reach and squatted down to her.

I looked at her, soon noticing she was having a panic attack. I didn't really know what to do in these situations, but I had a pretty clear idea of it.

I pulled her into a hug, wrapping my wings around her. I rubbed her back as I felt her head lay on my chest.

"It's ok, it's ok, I'm here" I said as I continued to rub her back. It didn't take long until I felt her breathing start to calm down.

You could feel yourself starting to gain control of your body again. All you could hear was Hawks comforting you.

His hugs were really nice, it made you feel like you were safe.

After a few minutes, you slowly let go of the hug, and he did as well. You watched his vibrant red wings return back to his side.

You were looking down, you didn't want to look him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry." You whispered, you felt his finger go under your chin, making you look up at him.

"Hey, don't apologize for something you can't control." He said as he wiped the tears from your eyes.

You nodded back at him as he stood up. He put his hand out to help you and you took it.

"Let's get you back to bed" He said as he started to walk to your room. You didn't really want to sleep alone tonight after that dream.

You decided not to bring it up thought because he might find it weird.

Once you guys made it to your room, you walked over to your bed, getting underneath the warm covers.

"I'll see you in the morning kid" He said as he shut the door.

You just laid there, staring at the ceiling. You couldn't fall asleep. You let out a sigh, as you decided to just lay there, for the rest of the night.

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