Chapter 6

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Hawks POV.
Once I got outside, I took off into the air. I was going to head to Y/N's house to pick her up some of her clothes.

I didn't want to tell her because then she would probably try and stop me.


Once I reached her house, someone was home. I stood there confused for a second, thinking back to what she said.

Didn't she say her parents died though?

I thought as I went to knock on the door, but before I could, the door opened. I stood there even more confused.

Soon I shook my head and went inside, but I soon regretted it as my eyes widened at the sight.

There was blood all on the ground, broken glass, everything was torn up.

What happened?!

Walking inside I looked around. There was dry blood on the carpet and all over the stairs, leading to the bathroom.

I followed the trail upstairs, until I stood in front of the doorway, horrified.

This has to be her mess... her blood, due to what I saw.

I shook my head, there were two rooms, one to the left and one to the right. The door on the left was closed though. I looked to the right to see the trail leading in there.

That must be her room, but who's is this then?

Out of curiosity, I knocked on the closed door. After waiting a minute a voice from inside yelled.

"Go away, brat." The voice yelled. As I turned around to walk in Y/N's room, the voice spoke again.

"Finally.. FINALLY! That brat of a sister is finally gone!" I heard her exclaim, soon she opened the door.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked as she held a note in her hand. Facing towards her I finally decided to say something.

"Are you Y/N's sister?" I asked, she let out a laugh and responded.

"Yep, but she's dead now." She said as she put the piece of paper towards my face.

I grabbed the piece of paper, reading what it said.

So I was right... wait, why is her sister happy about it? Does she really not care about her?

I put the note in my pocket as I turned towards Y/N's room, when I walked in, her sister trailed behind me.

"Who even are you and why are you in my house?" She asked as she stood in the doorway. I decided not to answer her question and just continued to get her clothes.

"Don't touch those! I can sell them for good money." Her sister said again, grabbing onto my arm. I wasn't really the mean type but she showed no respect.

I ripped my arm out of her grip and continued to putting Y/N's clothes in a bag, along with other useful stuff like her charger, computer, and school bag.

As I walked out of the house, I felt her sister staring at me.

"By the way.." I said standing in the doorway, holding all the stuff I gathered.

"Y/N isn't dead." I said walking out of the house, soon flying back to my place.

After a good hour, you finally cleared up and told your friends what happened, but only told Mina, Kirishima, and Denki, that you tried to commit.

Hopefully life is going to be better now that I'm practically living with Hawks. Though I still feel bad, what if he doesn't want me to stay with him.

You thought as you sat on the bed. As you were thinking you heard a door shut, bringing your attention back to reality.

After a minute, someone knocked on your door, you were fairly confused until you realized it was probably Hawks.

"Come in" You said, Hawks walked right into the room, holding bags of clothes and other necessities.

"I got you your clothes and other things I thought you would probably need" He said as he placed down everything.

Wait so he went to my house?! How does he even know where I live?

"T-thank you" You say as you got up, right when you got up Hawks went over to you, thinking you were going to fall.

"I'm fine" You said with a laugh as you walked to where he placed your stuff.

"You don't know that, what if you did get hurt." He said as he walked over with you.

You let out a laugh and started putting up your clothes, with him helping you.


It was starting to get dark outside and Hawks just finished helping you make your room, more like you.

"What do you want for dinner?" He said as he sat on the edge of your bed.

"I don't really care" You said as you let out a small laugh. Right when you said that though his eyes lit up.

"Chicken it is" He said as he got up, ready to go get dinner.

"Wait, Chicken?" You asked, as he looked at you. You could tell he was about to drool over the thought of it.

He nodded, sprinting out of the room and flew off to go get dinner.

Wait- but, isn't that cannibalism?

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