Chapter 7

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"Sissy, can we go outside to play now?" You said, as your sister was sitting on the couch.

"No." She bluntly said, not even making eye contact with you.

"But sissy-" You whined, before you got cut off.

"I said no, and I'm not going to say it again. Just go play with your idiotic friends." She said, as she pushed you away from her.

You were sad that your sister never wanted to play with you, she always pushed you away, ever since mom and dad died in that crash.

You decided to go play with Bakugou. He was a close friend of yours, even if he can be a handful.

You walked out the front door, heading over to his house. Once you arrived, you knocked on his door.

"Oh! Hello Y/N!" His mom said as she opened the door.

"Hello! I was wondering if Bakugou could play?" You asked as you gave her a smile.

"Of course! Bakugou! Get down here, Y/N is here to play!" His mom said as she yelled inside for him.

Not long after, he headed downstairs, out the front door. You waved bye to his mom and walked with him.

"The cars are busy today.." He said as he stood on the sidewalk, about to cross the road. Once it was clear he ran across, you were about to follow him but a car came speeding down the road.

Once you thought it was right you ran across. Without even making it halfway, you saw bright yellow headlights come speeding at you.

"Y/N!" Bakugou yells as he runs to you. You started to hear faint voices of his mom coming outside and Bakugou yelling.




You woke up to someone shaking you awake, you looked over to see it was Hawks.

"Hey kid, your up." He said as he stood up from the edge of your bed. You had another nightmare about your past.

As you sat up, you looked over at the time, to see it was almost time for class.

You looked over to see Hawks still standing there, just giving you a little smile.

Honestly, he smelled like chicken from last night.

He walked out of the room so you could change. Once he was out, you got up and went over to your closet to pick out a pair of clothes.

You decided to go with a grey sweater and a pair of blue jeans, you added some earring to the outfit and a pair of white shoes.

After you got changed you headed out to the living room with your school bag, only to find Hawks waiting for you.

"Do I really have to go." You groaned as you dragged your feet to the front door.

"Yes Y/N, now come on before your late." He said as he walked out the front door, you followed slowly behind him.

Once you got outside, you looked around. There wasn't a car or anything so you were confused on how you were getting to school.

Hawks walked over to you and picked you up.

"Woah! What are you doing?!" You say as you tried to get out of his grip.

"I'm taking you to school" He said as he soon jumped into the air, flying to the school. Once he started flying, you got the same feeling from when you were on the roof.

You decided to enjoy the wind, instead of arguing with Hawks. The time didn't last long though, as he arrived at the school, placing you down.

"Thank you" You said as you fixed your hair and clothes.

"You don't have to thank me for everything" He said with a laugh, you just stood there feeling awkward now.

"I'll be here to pick you up when school ends" He said as he jumped up and flew away.

I wish I could fly, the breeze against my body would make me want to stay up there forever.

You though as you turned towards the school, slowly making your way inside.

The halls were empty, you looked around confused. You decided to still make your way to class.

Did class already start, or am I early.

You thought as you walked to your class, as you opened the door, everyones eyes turned to look at you.

Great, I'm late.

Before you could make your way to your seat, Mina jumped up, and ran to you.

"I'm so glad your ok" She said as she pulled you into a hug. After a second of Mina hugging you, Kirishima and Denki soon joined in.

"What the hell is going on?!" Bakugou shouted as he stood up from his chair.

"Y/N, was in a incident. She will probably share it with you whenever she feels comfortable," Aizawa announced to Bakugou, as he sat back down.

You made your way over to your seat with Kirishima.

Once you sat down, you felt your eyes start to get heavy. You wanted to take a nap but you also wanted to pay attention for once.

You were fighting off sleep at this point, until you felt a hand tap on your shoulder. You turned with heavy eyes and faced towards Kirishima.

"Go ahead and take a nap, I'll fill you in on everything, once you wake up, plus Aizawa will probably understand." He said, you nodded back at him and smiled.

You turned around and placed your head on the cold desk, soon letting your eyes close, falling asleep.

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