Chapter 50

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School soon ended, as you let out a sigh of relief.

You got up from your seat and found Mina in the hallways.

"Hey girl!" She said as she walked up to you, walking with you.

"Hey!" You said as you looked over at her.

"Do you have any plans after school?" She questioned as you walked outside.

"I'm going to ask Keigo if he wants to get some ice cream." You said as you smiled.

"That sounds good, I'm going to go get some, have fun!" She said as she walked away.

You laughed and walked up to Keigo to see him looking around.

"Hey birdie." You said as you walked up to him.

"Let's go." He said as he wrapped his arm around you and started to walk down the street.

You looked up at him in confusion, as his eyes were focused straight.

"We aren't going to fly?" You asked as you continued walking.

"No, my wings hurt." He stated as he refused to look at you.

"Anyways, can we stop and get some ice cream?" You asked.

"No." He said, causing you to look down.

Since when was he this rude, did he have a bad day?

You thought as you felt your phone go off.

You went to reach to your pocket but he stopped you, tightening his grip around your shoulder.

"Stay off your phone for once." He said as he scoffed and turned around the corner.

You decided not to say anything and just walk home in silence.

The turns he was taking seemed like it was traveling further from the house.

"Where are we going?" You said, breaking the silence between the both of you.

He ignored your question, causing you to stop in your tracks.

"Why are you being so mean." You said as you crossed your arms.

He turned around and looked at you, but this look wasn't friendly.

"Don't make me get violent, walk." He said in a low tone. He gripped onto your arm and started forcing you to walk.

You tried to pull your arm away from him but his grip was too strong.

"You're hurting me!" You said as you tried to break free, but he didn't care.

Soon he arrived at a old warehouse, opening the door.

"I got her!" He said as he pushed you inside, you stumbled over yourself, landing on the floor.

"What the fuck.." You whispered to yourself as you looked up.

A man with burnt skin walked over to you and kneeled down, he looked familiar.

"Welcome back princess." He said as he picked you up and placed you on a chair, restraining you in rope.

The rope wasn't tied to the chair, instead it was tied tightly to your body, restraining your movements.

You looked over at Keigo, as your blood boiled.

"What the hell Keigo?!" You shouted, but he started laughing.

"Oh yeah! I forgot!" He said as grey mud like substance started flooding over him.

It slowly started revealing a girl with blonde hair, in two buns.

"Remember me?" She said as she laughed, you stood there in shock as the substance started fading away, but she was naked.

You quickly turned your head away, looking at the wall beside you.

"Put on clothes Toga!" The man in front of you yelled, that's when it hit you.

I remember these people, Dabi and Toga. Who are these guys though?

You thought as you looked at everyone in the room.

"Sorry!" She said as she quickly put on clothes and sat beside you.

You looked over at her in confusion once she was dressed.

"How did you-" You started but she cut you off.

"My quirk is transformation, whenever I get someone's blood I can turn into them." She explained as she looked at you.

"How did you get his blood." You asked, but she shook her head.

"Too much information." She said as she looked over at Dabi.

Dabi moved to the side as someone new walked up to you.

He had blueish hair and a hand over his face.

"My name is Shigaraki." He said as he looked at you.

"We aren't going to hurt you, not much. Just answer our questions and you might make it out of here alive." He said as he crossed his arms.

You looked at him in fear, as your eyes moved to each person in the room.


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