Chapter 47

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You wake up again, looking at your surroundings.

You looked up at Keigo playing with your hair, while watching the movie.

"Hello babybird, how was your nap?" He said as he looked down at you.

You connected eye contact with him and smiled.

"It was really relaxing actually." You said as you sat up on top of him.

He smiled and placed a little kiss on top of your lips.

He grabbed the thermometer and held it up to you.

You turned your head away and quickly buried it into his shoulder.

"Just one more time." He said as he lifted up your chin and placed it in your mouth.

Soon the loud beeping blared through the silence, causing him to grab it.

"Your fever is gone." He said as he smiled and looked up at you.

You smiled back at him and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"It was all thanks to you birdie." You said as you kissed him.

He melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around your waist.

You felt his hands start to travel up towards your body, but soon your phone started to ring.

You looked over, separating the kiss from him.

His hands stopped and wrapped around you as you grabbed your phone.

You looked down to see it was Mina.

Damn, and just when things were about to get good.

You thought as you answered the call.

"Hey!" You said as you sat back on top of Keigo, his hands continued to explore your body while you were on the phone.

"Where are you? Do I need to come over?" She said through the phone.

"No it's fine, I'm with Keigo right now." You said as you connected eye contact with him, trying to tell him to stop.

He figured out the signs you were giving him but ignored them.

"Ok, Well I was going to come over but I'll leave you two alone!" She said as she hung up the phone.

You placed it down and looked up at Keigo, grabbed his arms.

"Didn't you get the message I was trying to tell you?" You said as you looked at him, but he smiled.

"I know what you were trying to tell me." He said as he buried his face into your neck.

"Then why didn't you-" You started to say but he cut you off.

"I don't take orders from you." He said in a low tone, which caused you to look down at him.

Before you could get any words out, he wrapped his hand around your mouth and looked up at you.

"Now that you're better, I can continue our plans for tonight." He said as he picked you up and started carrying you to the room.

Oh I forgot about his plans, it's weird how he can go from a sweet bird to a bossy man.

You thought as he opened the door and placed you on the bed.

He shut the door and came over by your side.

You looked at him as he sat down beside you on the bed.

He turned around and placed his hand on your cheek.

When he did that, a loud thunder rumbled through the air, causing you to flinch.

Is it still raining?

You thought as you looked out the window.

"Did I make you flinch?" Keigo questioned, causing you to turn back to him.

"No!" You hurried and exclaimed.

"It was the lighting, I get scared by the loud noises." You said as you stood up, but he grabbed your waist and brought you on top of him.

"You don't have to be scared babybird, the sounds are outside." He said as he pushed a piece of hair behind your ear.

You looked up at him and smiled, before he placed a kiss on top of your lips.

"You don't have to worry about the sounds when you won't be able to hear them." He said as he stood up, holding you.

You tightened your legs around his back so you didn't fall.

"What do you mean not hear them?" You questioned as you looked up at him.

He turned around and placed you on the bed, crawling over you.

His hair fell in front of his face, but you could still see his eyes.

"Because.." He said as he leaned in towards your neck.

"You'll be screaming my name so loud that it will drown out the sounds." He whispered.

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