Chapter 4: Family Affair

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"Neo?" Kayla comes into the room, nearly scaring the shit out of me. It's pitch black and it's the middle of the night, without another word, Kayla jumps on the bed and straddles me. "Kayla, it's middle of damn night." I groan, trying to open my eyes. "I know," she sniffles. "But I need you." She places her head on my chest and starts crying. What the hell happened to her? I am staring at her, looking confused as fuck. "Kayla? Kayla, what's up?"

"It's my parents, they are getting a divorce." She cries out. Wow, Boo fucking hoo, I am thinking. I literally don't give a fuck. But she's lying on me, and wants confess her shit. "What happened?" I prod her, so she can spill out her dirty laundry and maybe trust me. "My dad saw my mum, kissing the captain." " Really?" Way to go mum, I smirk to that.

"Why would she do that, Kayla?" I ask her, pretending to care. " I don't know," she buries her face in my chest, crying her eyes out more. Shit, now I feel actually bad for her, the way she's clinging on to me. I don't have a shirt on and I can I feel her wet tears on me. "Kayla, shush, it's okay. I am sure they will work it out." I try reassuring her, but she just shakes her head adamantly.

"No, everyone I love, leaves me." I see her teary puppy eyes look back at me. "You never going to leave me are you?" She asks with desperation in her voice. Oh fuck, she's giving me the whole guilt trip. Just don't answer, "I ermm." I realise she's wearing my shirt, time for a diversion. " Kayla, you got my shirt on!" I exclaim with laugh. "Yeah," she pulls the hem of the shirt down her bare thighs. "I just want you close to me." She whispers possessively in my neck, her voice is still shaky but at least she has stopped crying.

"Tell me something?" She taps her finger on my chest. "What?" I sigh, watching her make heart circles now on my chest. "Why is your name Neo?" She breaths out a laugh, she's seems to be happy now by the sound of her voice. "Well, how do I say this? My mum, she had a thing for the Matrix."" The Matrix? What's that?" She pops her head up, I can see the outline of her confused face. "It's a sci-fi movie, actually several were made through the late 90's and in the millennium era. The last one came out, the year I was born." I tell her. " Wow, I want to watch them now." She gets excited. "Okay, you do that," I am rolling my eyes at her, when she's not looking. " So where are your parents now?" She suddenly asks, opening an old wound in my heart. Parents are a sore subject for me, and I don't want to get into it. I need her to go now, so I am just going to pretend that I have fallen asleep. 

"Neo?" She shakes me. "Neo?" Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I look knocked out. "Aww," she runs her hand through my hair, and then I feel her weight off me. "Night, my prince." She whispers in my ear, before she leaves the room. Bye you psycho, I hope you have nightmares, I pray. 

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