Chapter 15: Break Away

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"Neo, get up!" Kayla points the gun at me, while I am sitting on the edge of the bed. My ankles are chained together, but I can move my hands. For a while, I have done what she's told me. But not anymore. I was afraid she will shoot me, but since I got her trust, she won't do that.

"Get up! You need the bathroom, don't you?" She's watching my every move."No, I am not getting up." I finally say, with my eyes fixed on her."What do you mean?" She scoffs a nervous laugh."I said I am not getting up, now give me the gun." I take my hand out, opening my palm to her."What, no!" She stumbles back quickly with the gun aimed at my chest.

"Kayla, give me the gun." I get off the bed and take a slow step closer to her. "You are not going to shoot me, Honey. Remember, you're mine." I smile at her, that makes her smile too. "My hot little Angel," I coo at her, letting out a sweet laugh, in return, she laughs more and her face lights up. "Now give me the gun, honey. I won't hurt you, I promise." I reach for her, but she hesitates. "No," she shakes her head, looking at the door and then back at me. Shit, I need to think of something else. "Kayla, I want to take you in my arms and kiss you, for real. Don't you want that, baby?" I say sounding cringingly desperate. What I'm I saying? It might just work though. Kayla just nods, but keeps the gun on me." Now drop the gun and come to me." I insist, with my arms spread wide. "No," she moans, getting annoyed. "I can't, I want too though." She looks doubtful. "Babe, I can't love you, if you are being like this." I drop my arms in defeat and just stare hard at her. "Drop it and I will be yours," I promise. Her one hand drops and then the flipping house phone rings out of nowhere.

"Oh, it's must be my parents," she says looking at the door. For a second she's distracted. I make a jump for her and she doesn't see it coming. Her body slams against the wall and I grip her by the neck, choking her to death. I need her to drop that fucking gun and she does. Before I can move the gun with my foot, she kicks me in the groin. I'm seeing stars now, the pain is excruciating. With my hand on my junk, I bend down and let out a heavy groan. "Motherfuckerrrrr." I am fucking going to kill her now.

Before she can pick up the gun, I pick it up quickly and aim it at her. "GIVE ME THE FUCKING KEYS KAYLA, NOW!" I click the gun, threatening  to shoot her hot ass.  "NO!" She screams back, stumbling back into a corner. "NO, huh?" I unlock the gun and take the magnum out. I don't want to end up where my parents are. I got a life to fucking live. I throw the gun to the side and stalk over to her, huffing and puffing, the phone  suddenly stops ringing.

"Neo, don't," she begs me when I pull her up and drag her to the bed. She falls on her back when I throw her.    " Don't fucking move," I pin her down and search for those keys, in her shorts jean pockets. I feel the metal and I get happy, finally, I will be out of these shackles. Kayla just watches me when I unlock the chains from my ankle, she doesn't even fight anymore. But then I know why? The door, it's still locked. "CODE NOW!" I come at her, grabbing by her hoodie. "Nope, you have a week left, Neo. I can't let you go." She brings something out of her hoodie pocket before I can see it. I get jabbed by something pointy, and next thing you know my world goes dark.

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