Chapter 10: Hot Angel

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"Neo is hot!" Kayla claims when she sees him the first time. We are both watching the Matrix, I've seen it before, but she hasn't. "Its Keanu Reeves," I inform her. "Yeah, I know. I've seen that movie of his, where these two crazy girls knock at his house and cause trouble." "Oh, yeah, I can't remember the name of that movie now," I say. "Those crazy girls are like you," I make a dig at her. "Whatever!" She puts her hands up and carries on eating her popcorn. I noticed that she does eat, but not much still. It's like she's afraid, and she seems to still  have that idea in her head, of me loving her as a Victoria Secret model.

"You need to finish your food;" I nod to the pack of fries that are placed on the table. "I am not hungry," she moans, scrunching the popcorn packet." Kayla, you just had a small packet of popcorn, you need to eat." " I don't want to, okay." She crosses her arms and scrunches her face. "Well, I am not going to love then," I say so bluntly, I know it's fucked up, but that's the only way to get to her. "Nooo," she grunts, slamming her palm on the sofa. "You can do that, it's not fair." Now, this is brat I know, throwing tantrums and shit. She usually screams the school hallways sometimes, when things are not going her way. She's so pathetic I swear, I am watching her kick the table as she gets up to leave. "I'll be back in a minute," she unlocks the door and walks out, slamming the door behind her.

"Fucking baby," I grumble, shaking my head at her emotional irrational stupid behaviour. She always gets what she wants, like how she took me. The girls got money and fucking attitude that needs to be tamed. I am nothing like her. I don't care about anyone, just my group of my friends and my Uncle. I don't even give a fuck about my parents too. My parents have always been selfish, leaving me home while they go about, stealing cars and living the fucking high life. And now they are in prison, for grand auto theft and drug possession. I don't even like paying a visit it to them, the selfish pricks. The only person that cared for me is my Uncle Mike, my mum's little brother. He's single and only 29, but he loves me so much. He didn't want me to go into care, so he took me in. I love that guy, he's like the dad I didn't have.

I don't know when she's going to come back, I watch the door. She is so damn difficult. I have to change my tactics with her, I am too harsh on her, I guess it's a sensitive issue for her and I need to deal with it differently. One thing I know that will still bother me, even if I leave this place is, her starving herself for me. She might end up doing something dangerous. I am still going to report her to the police though, and tell them about my ordeal.

Kayla seriously needs help, she has underline abandonment issues. We both have similar scars, but I haven't lost my fucking mind. I guess she thinks with her emotions then her head, I mean she has no brain anyway, the nutcase that she is.

"I am back!! The door clicks open and she's dressed in nothing, but lacy sexy underwear and angel wings. "Oh God," I roll my eyes and lift my head back. She didn't, I am about to laugh. Is she trying to kill me? She dressed like a Victoria Secret supermodel. "So babe, what do you think?" She twirls around, jiggling her cute ass, she looks hot though, but I can see her rib cage and hip bones poking out.

" Errmm, you look incredible, Kayla." I let out a breathless sigh. I pity her though, the way she's getting all excited and happy, just from my assurance. I wonder how many times her mum dropped her when she was a baby? It makes me feel sad, sick and sorry for her, to see her like this.

"See, I knew if I didn't eat, you will like me in this!" She points at me. Oh shit, she's taking it the wrong way. "Kayla, I didn't mean it like that, babe. You don't need to do this, honey." "I don't," she looks at her outfit. " I think you have an amazing body, Kayla. I compliment her. And I don't like those supermodels," I make a disgusting face at her and she laughs. "They are nothing compare to you, Kayla," I gaze at her intensely. She smiles to that comment. "My Kayla, is way hotter then them," I let her know. Now that was the biggest half-lie ever. I just have to keep her happy and  say what I need to say."That's so sweet, honey." She pulls her wings off and runs into my arms. "I am yours," she laughs into my arms. "Yeah, you are. You're my hot little Angel," I laugh, making a joke out of it. "I like that," she giggles in my neck.

He's MineOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora