Chapter 7: Love At First Sight

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"So, who slept here?" I ask her while I eat my ice-cream, with my free hand. I noticed the code locks are old. Kayla never built this room, it was already made." Ermm, It belonged to my crazy aunt, Mary Ann." You had a crazy aunt? I quirk my brow at her, with a smirk. I guess crazy runs in their family. "Yeah, she was paranoid and had delusions. My father didn't like the idea of her being institutionalised. So he made this room for her." "Oh, I see," I say, now I understand why the windows are bolted too.

"Anyways, let's not talk about gloomy stuff." She puts her spoon down and just gazes at me, while I eat. She does that a lot. Her eyes are just on me, and a smile eventually peaks on her lips. "Why do you like me so much?" I ask her, once I am finished with my desert. "Why don't you like me?" She retaliates." Humph," I just sigh and wait for her to answer; I don't want her to get into that shit. I know Kayla's has always been on my tail, trying to get me to notice her. But I just never liked her or her attitude. She's hot, but that's it. She has no substance, or meaningfulness, that captivates me to her.

"I am waiting, Kayla," I lie back on the bed watching her face turn crimson red. Is she blushing? Her stone-cold exterior is melting. "Well, the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you." She confesses to me, with a huge grin on her shy face." You're gorgeous, like a pretty boy." "Okay," I laugh that off, I get that a lot, girls think I got this angelic look about me, but when they see me misbehave, they feel more sorry for me and are more attracted to me. It's fucking weird. "So when did you first see me?" I press her on. "I was heading for maths class and you were in the hallway. Mr Evans was calling you to comeback but you just kept on walking away from him. You had a deep scowl on your face, and you seemed mad. Our eyes met, for split second and then you just turned your head and walked off."

"Ah, I remember that day," I exclaim, but I don't remember her though. I and my friends were writing innuendos on Evans board about him and his rendezvous with the school librarian, Ms Baker." I don't get it," I say with a shrug. "We were just trying to help him out," I laugh out loud. I remember him going ballistic when he saw the board. He pulled me out of the classroom and started barking at me. I just didn't want to listen to him. "He thinks I am the culprit, like all the time." "But you are!" Kayla corrects me. "Like when I saw you and your friends at the staff parking lot once." "What did we do?" I look at her with surprise; I can't believe she notices all these things. "You guys were taking all the air out of all the tires on the cars, the whole car park went flat." She giggles," but you were smart to cover the cameras with gum." "Yeah, we did! That was a fun day, I remember. They still don't know who did it?" I smirk at her with confidence and she just laughs out loud. "Okay, I have a bad streak, I admit it." I laugh with her. Our conversation carries on and she tells me details about other stuff, that I did even know.

"Neo, I have to cook some dinner for us now." "Okay," I watch her get off the sofa and take our deserts plates and leave the room. I had no idea she knew these things about me. When I think about my time around her, it's me usually ignoring her or pushing her away. I remember not that long ago, I was at a party and she came over and tried to sit on my lap, I pushed her off and she fell on my friend Jamie, everyone else started laughing. But I just got up and walked off. There was another time, when I just sitting on the school hallway with my friends and she walked over to us in  her short  dress. I was ignoring her, but my friends were laughing and teasing me. I remember Kayla stumbled and fell right on top of me, I knew she did it on purpose. "Neo," she called me with such happiness, I tried to get up, but she wouldn't get off me. She was telling how she's having this huge birthday party, blah blah, I thought in my head. My mind was on food that day, I remember, I was fucking hungry.

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