Chapter 20 : See You

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It's been two whole months and I haven't seen her. After I left her country house, I reported her to the police. I didn't have to wait long, they came to her house and arrested her. There was enough evidence everywhere in her room, it was like a shrine. I can't believe I saw pillows with my face printed on them. It was just sick.

Even though, evidence stacked against her, I still put in a good word in for her, telling them that she did let me go and she wasn't that bad. I guess I was vouching for her innocence, even though she wasn't. The rest of the summer I spent drinking and partying, I even got into a few fights, that's because some people think they have a right to have an opinion about my parents. I hope my parents rott in hell now, leaving me in this shit hole, where I am constantly reminded of their crime.

Now I am back in school, I'm finding it hard. Being in school and not seeing Kayla around, trying to grab my attention, it bothers me. I mean she's always on the back of my mind and my heart aches when I think about her. I miss her to an extend, I don't know why? Maybe it's out pity or I am attracted to her. I don't know, she's just fucked me up for good. I have this sick bond with her, that I can't detach. She's got a piece of me, that I can't seem to let go. I am worried about her too. So I asked Laila, for her hospital number that she's attending and here I am now standing outside her door.

"You have a visitor," the warden lets Kayla know. She opens the door and I walk into the cold white room, with a just a bed. "NEO!!" She jumps on me, hugging me to death. "Hey, how you been?" I laugh at her enthusiasm. "I am good, just another week and then I will be out," Kayla informs. They diagnosed her with obsessive love disorder, apparently. I didn't even know it existed until now. "Great, you better take your meds and keep up with the sessions," I order her. "I will, I promise." She winks at me. I can't stop smiling. I feel a weight come off my shoulder, finally seeing her.

"Have you made any friends?" I sit on her bed but keeping my distance. "Yeah, I've. But there is this hot guy, who keeps staring at me. I mean what I am supposed to do?" She twirls her finger around her hair, looking all dazed. "He might be a psycho," I warn her. " Nope, he's got delusional grandeur, apparently, he thinks he's batman." I almost laugh to that, but I keep it in. This shit is real and sensitive and I should be more sensitive about it. "I am surprised you came to see me," she crosses her arms with cute pout on her face. "Well, I was worried about you." My eyes linger on her demeanour, she's changed a lot. She looks healthy and happy. "You were," she smirks back at me. "Yeah, I know I reported you to the police, but I did tell them that you weren't that bad and that you did let me go." I look down, as guilt rises in my gut. "I know," she sighs with her eyes on the window. "I am sorry for what I did to you, Neo. I understand I have attachment problems and abandonment issues. I need to self-heal and love myself." I am blown away by her words. "Wow, Kayla. I am impressed," I look her up and down. "I know, it's called improvement honey!" She blurts out laughing, making me laugh too.

1 hour later

"I have to go now, you take care of yourself." I am about to kiss her forehead, but I don't. My heart sinks into my stomach, knowing well this is wrong. I can't be with her, I should keep away from her. Seeing her and talking to her has been fun and so easy, but she's sick. All Kayla wants is a cuddle and love, on the obsessive range, which  she is trying to tame. But seeing her now, slowly recovering from this episode. I don't think I can see a future with her. It's impossible. It will just confuse her and mess up her mind. I don't want her to lose her mind, I want her to be loved and I am sure she will find it someday with someone, but it unfortunately it won't be with me.

The warden opens the door and I say my good byes and leave. Sadly, this chapter needs to close. I feel like somehow I need to protect her though, so I will watch over and care for her. I might not be her boyfriend that she always wanted, but I will be the boy as a friend who will always be there for her. But from a far distance though, just to be cautious. I don't want to be abducted again, do I? I will miss her though. She has strangely been a good company and it has been a one fucked up sick ride, but I won't forget this, and these moments that I have shared with her. They will stay with me forever in my heart. 

                                                                              THE END

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