1: What's in a Name?

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I could never understand what made girls so infatuated with someone on a motorcycle. None the less, I was swarmed with girls as I put down the kickstand on my bike. "What do you all want?" I asked boredly. Some of them squealed simply because I spoke in their direction and others didn't do anything but stare as I pulled off my helmet. I rolled my eyes and put my helmet in the saddle bag. I pushed back my messy hair and noticed one person who stuck out in the sea of yellow dresses and dark hair. One tall blonde boy in a baby blue uniform. I stared at him for a second before retrieving my books from the other side of the bike. When I stood back up, he was up against my bike, his hands on the seat. "Hey!" I yelled, "don't touch her!"

"Oh... I'm sorry." He put his hands up. "I have a proposal for you, biker boy."

"Biker Boy?"

"I want you to join the host club!"

"No." I swung the bag of books over my shoulder.

"Please?" he asked.

"No. I don't even know who you are." I put one hand into my pocket. "And what the hell is a host club?"

"The Ouran Host Club is where the school's handsomest boys with too much time on their hands entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Ouran Academy's elegant playground for the super-rich and beautiful." The blonde was extremely dramatic. "I am Tamaki Souh, the host club king!"

"Mm-hm. Whatever." I stepped around my bike. "If you'll let me get to class, Mr. Souh, I will stop by and see what your little club is all about."

"Yeah!" Souh jumped in the air excitedly. "Woohoo!"

I rolled my eyes and went off to class.

I stepped into music room number 3 to find a huge group of girls surrounding the small group of good looking boys. I looked around and hummed under my breath. So, this is the host club... I ran my fingers through my hair with a sigh. I decide to just watch as the group mingled until Souh was ready to talk to me. I walked over to the wall and sat in the windowsill. I stared out the window and spotted the blue sky was a daunting gray. I sighed. It was going to be a wet ride home since I forgot my rain covers for the bike and myself. At least the leathers would keep it from being cold too.

A girl in the class under me walked up to me. "Sato-san, I didn't know you were joining the host club. Is it okay if I sit with you?"

"Oh, I'm not a host, miss. I'm just here because I need to talk to Suoh-kun. But you are welcome to sit with me while I wait." I looked back out at the sky as the first drops of water fell from the sky.

"Thank you, Sato-san." The girl sat beside me in the window sill. "Is something on your mind? You seem a bit preoccupied with the sky.

I sighed. "It's nothing, miss. Its just going to be a wet ride home on my bike..."

"I could ask my father to take you and your bicycle home when he picks me up, Sato-san."

"No. It's a motorcycle, not a bicycle. I'm afraid I have to ride it home or I won't be able to get back for school tomorrow."

"Oh, I see." She sounded intrigued. "I'm Riko. I'm a first year."

"Hello then, Riko-chan," I said. I didn't really care to make friends with the underclassmen and it was something I didn't hide. I considered them childish and never hid that fact so my voice gave off an air of not caring... because I didn't. However...

She squealed to herself. "He's as dreamy and distant as Kyoya- sempai!"

I rolled my eyes. "How long do you think Suoh-kun will be?"

"He is the most popular host so it could be a while..."

I sighed and stood up. "I have to go before it down pours... I'll just walk up to him..." I started toward the blonde mobbed by women, my hands in my pockets. "Suoh-kun!" I yelled. This of course caught everyone's attention. There were murmurs about me throughout the ranks of the girls but I ignored them. "You asked me here so talk to me! I have to get going." The girls parted so I could get to him.

"I'm very sorry ladies," he said with a cool smile. "I'm afraid my friend doesn't have much for manners."

I sat beside him. "You've got five minutes before I leave, Suoh-kun."

"Right, I want you to join the host club."


"I think you would be a great addition to our family, really help to complete the set."

"Why would I?"

"We don't have any rebellious characters in our club and so many girls are craving it."

"You don't know my name, do you, Suoh-kun?"

He stopped for a second. "What is in a name? A rose by any other name would be just as lovely."

"Respect is in a name, Suoh-kun... You know what, if you can figure out my name by tomorrow afternoon, I will join the host club." I stood up and crossed my arms. "Now if you'll excuse me, it's raining and I have to get my bike home."

The Host Club's Bad Boy (an ohshc fan fiction)  (Tamaki X OC) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now