19: Yukata

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"Where's Haruhi?" Tamaki asked as he passed the merchant the money for his cotton candy.

"My sister still has her by the sleeve," I joked pointing towards the games. Fuyu was dragging Haruhi toward a water gun game by her shirt sleeve.

Tamaki looked to wear I was pointing and chuckled. "Fuyu seems like a sweet girl."

"She is," I said. "But she's pretty strong too so don't worry. Nothing bad is going to happen to her."

Tamaki pulled a piece of the cotton candy off the cloud of sugar. "I'm not too worried. It seems like the people here have a real reverence for your sister."

I nodded. "I should hope so. She is a Sato after all." The smell of chicken filled my nose and my stomach made a noise.

"You're hungry," Tamaki said. "We should find a stand with some real food."

"Yeah." I led the way down the aisle of booths toward the smell of the chicken.

"Here," Tamaki said, offering me a half handful of the pink spun sugar.

"Thanks," I said, "but that's not food." I stopped at the stand. "This is. Two asuparabekon please."

The man smiled at me from his grill. "Right away, Mr. Sato."

"What's asupera-asuperablek?"

"Asuparabekon. Asparagus wrapped in bacon on a stick," I said. "Its one of my favorite street foods."

"Oh," Tamaki said, sounding unsure about it.

"On the house, Mr. Sato," the merchant said, passing me the asuparabekon.

"Thanks," I took a bite of one, offering the other to Tamaki. "Care to try it?"

Tamaki looked hesitant but leaned down and took a bite.

I felt my face blush again. "Uh..."

His face went red as he realized he was supposed to take the whole thing from me. He pulled away, chewing the bite he took and covered his face in embarrassment. "Sorry... it's good." He took the one he'd taken a bite of from me. "Thanks."

"No problem," I said, eating mine.


"This would look good on you," Tamaki said, pointing to a light pink yukata in a big clothing booth.

"The pink one?" I chuckled. "That's a little... feminine... for me, Tamaki."

"You're right," Tamaki said. "This blue one would make your eyes pop much better." He took it off the rack and held it up between us. "You should get this one. The girls would go crazy for it!"

"That one would look good on you, Mr. Suoh," my mother's voice said behind me.

I jumped. "Mom!"

"Mrs. Sato," Tamaki smiled. "I was actually thinking this one for Aki. I'm sorry I pulled Aki away from you so suddenly before."

"It's perfectly okay," she said. "At your age I would have put my boyfriend before my mother too. I'm not sure Aki would ever wear something as loose and open as a yukata."

"Mom," I said, mortified. "We are not dating."

"Oh?" Mom said with an amused smile.

"What do you think, Aki?" Tamaki offered me the yukata. "The host club girls would go crazy for it."

I took it from him. "You know what? Yeah. I like this one." I payed for it.

"Let's find somewhere for you to change!" Tamaki said excitedly, grabbing my wrist and pulling me away again.

The Host Club's Bad Boy (an ohshc fan fiction)  (Tamaki X OC) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now