5:There are Physical Exams?

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I stepped into the garden for the host club activities with my kendo robes still on. The other hosts were in tailcoats and waiter's aprons or other traditional Japanese robes. I smiled as I walked up to Haruhi. "Hello, Haruhi-kun."

"Oh, hello, Aki-sempai," Haruhi looked up at me. "You're not in the same robes as us, sempai?"

"If I'm supposed to be, I don't know yet. I just got out of kendo club." I looked up at the ladies around Haruhi. "Hello, girls. I'm sorry to interrupt and steal the attention of your host."

"It's okay," one girl said. "Are you going to see any girls today, Aki-sempai?"

"Probably," I said boredly. "I'll at least have some tea so if any of you ladies were waiting to join me."

"I didn't know you did kendo, Aki-san," One of the girls said.

"Yes. It's a way of life." I turned away from them and Tamaki was only inches away from my face, meaning he had only been inches from my back. "Um... Did you need something, Suoh-kun?"

"Not from you, Aki-san." He side stepped me. "Haruhi, how are you doing? Are you having a good time?"

"Tamaki senpai," Haruhi said, "You didn't need to be so rude to Aki-sempai..."

"The flower-viewing reception is going over quite well," Tamaki smiled. "But even so, it's rather daunting to spend more time being admired than doing the admiring."

Haruhi stared unhappily, "Oh wow senpai, you're blooming in more ways than one."

"You noticed!" Tamaki stuck a fabulous pose and glanced at me before closing his eyes. "Yes, today, my beauty is quite splendorous. I'm in full bloom. I bet you'll fall for me soon."

Haruhi sighed. "I swear this guy must live his life completely unaware of the hardships of this world."

I nodded. "Lot's of rich people do..." I stepped away to go get tea. Tamaki was being kind of weird... I sat at one of the empty tables and poured myself some tea. Why is Tamaki being so odd... Is an event coming up that's exciting him or... was it something else?

"I know time is almost up, but could I sit with you?" asked Riko-kun voice beside me.

"If you want, Riko-kun." I took a drink of my tea.

She sat beside me. "I was so excited when you remembered my name, Aki-sempai. It always seems like you completely ignore underclassmen..."

"Yes, there isn't many I take any interest in..." I stared into my cup as I took another drink. "I don't see the need to pay attention to people I don't care about."

"That's an interesting way to think of it," Riko smiled, rubbing her finger on the table.

"Times up, Miss Riko," Kyoya said. "I must ask you to go so we can do some clean up."

Riko sighed. "That's okay. I'll see you tomorrow, Aki-sempai." She smiled and left.

I overheard Tamaki say, "Say, Mommy dear?"

"What is it now, Daddy?" Kyoya responded.

I raised an eyebrow. Does Tamaki have a Daddy fetish? I didn't notice that before... and is Kyoya feeding it...?

"I have a new theory," Tamaki continued. "I mean, it's just my hypothesis, but it seems that by being in the same class, Hikaru and Kaoru are able to spend more time with Haruhi than I get to here at the club. This gives them a chance to get close to her, and if that happens..."

"Suoh-kun, you're just now realizing that?" I asked.

"According to my research," Kyoya said, "in a single day, the twin spend roughly nine hours of class time with Haruhi. Meanwhile, your contact with her is limited to a couple of hours of club activities. In other words, your involvement in Haruhi's life each day amounts to no more than a mere 3%."

The Host Club's Bad Boy (an ohshc fan fiction)  (Tamaki X OC) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now