9: The Beach (Part One)

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I sat with the girls who had still requested me, less of them doing so every week. "Sounds like it was quite exciting here while I was gone."

"Oh yes," the blonde on my left said with a smile. "How did you do in your tournament? I didn't get to see the last day of duels."

"Second place. I lost the final round to a boy with more experience than me." I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Tamaki. He looked shinny from this angle, the light behind him highlighting his bright eyes and clear skin. "Yes, Suoh-kun."

He pushed his hair back with one hand as he flashed an unrealistically white smile. "This weekend we're taking a trip to the beach. You're coming too, right?"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "I'll be there, Tamaki-kun."

He smiled wider. "Good. We'll meet here in the club room on Saturday morning and leave for the beach!"

"Sounds good." My phone went off in my pocket. I pulled it out. It was an email from an account marked Sato Shoe Company. I dismissed it and put it back in my pocket. Tamaki's hand was still on my shoulder so I looked back up at my shinny classmate. "Did you need something else, Souh-kun?"

"Uh..." He kind of jumped, pulling his hand away, his smile disappearing for only a half second. "No. No. That is all." He walked away with a smile.

"That was kinda weird," a red head girl beside me said.

"You're right. But then again, Tamaki is kinda a weird boy."


I parked my bike outside Kyoya's beach house in Okinawa before joining the rest of the host club and our highest paying guests on the beach.

"You do realize that I can hear what you're saying, right?" Haruhi, clearly annoyed, said to the group as I walked up.

"Are you guys saying stupid stuff again?" I asked, pulling my hand through my hair.

"Aki-sempai," Haruhi smiled. "I had wondered how late you'd be when you said you were bringing your bike up."

"I'm not too late, am I?" I peaked at my phone for the time.

"Not at all," Kyoya said. "Miss Riko will be quite glad to see you."

"Riko? I never would have thought she was my highest roller. She didn't even come to see me at any point during the last week."

"I was worried something you said had upset her," Kyoya adjusted his glasses, "but when she heard about the trip she made absolutely sure she was the highest bidder."

"How much did she spend? There had to have been a few bidding against her, right?"

"She spent as much as all three of Tamaki's guests in an effort to be your only guest so you had better be on your best behavior with her."

"Of course." I rolled my eyes. "When don't I take care of my guests?"

"Very funny, Aki-sama," Tamaki scolded. "You've gotta do better out here in the real world than you do in the club room."

"Oh, please," I shook my head. "Riko-chan is a masochist for emotional turmoil. Where's she at?"

Tamaki crossed his arms. "Under the green umbrella towards the end of the beach."

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes and impulsively popped Tamaki on the butt as I walked by. I instantly regretted it but didn't say anything as I blushed deeply, walking towards the umbrella with my head up. I shook my head. I sat down beside Riko and buried my face in my hands as she stared at the sea.

The Host Club's Bad Boy (an ohshc fan fiction)  (Tamaki X OC) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now