4: The Dance

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When I arrived in the music room that Wednesday there was no girls there. This was the first time I had arrived so soon. "This is unusually quiet..." I said.

"Yes, we've informed the girls that there is no club activities today so we could teach you and Haruhi to dance," Kyoya's voice said behind me.

I jumped. "Kyoya-san. I know how to dance."

"Well," Kyoya adjusted his glasses, "there is another reason we canceled club activities..."

I raised an eyebrow. "And that would be?"

"I need to be confident that you will keep Haruhi Fujioka's secret. Her circumstances require her to keep masquerading as a boy."

"Oh. I see. You're worried about that." I put my hands behind my head to relax. "See, I find Miss Fujioka interesting for an underclassman. Honestly if you hadn't said something just now, I would have assumed she was FTM trans and belonged here. There is no point in telling the host club's secret."

"I understand, Aki-san. You see no benefit in telling the school so why would you, correct? And what should happen if the benefit arrives?"

"Kyoya-san, I do not underestimate your ability to enact revenge or find out secrets. There is no time when it would ever be better for me to spill her secret so long as I am here and once I leave the school it would not matter if the secret was revealed."

"So you have your own set of secrets, Aki-san?"

"Don't you, Kyoya-san?" I asked. "I have formal dancing experience so if I don't have to stay, I would like to go."


I was in my five piece suit long before the party started so I was glad when we finally stepped out at the top of the stairs.

Tamaki introduced us. "It is so good to see you here tonight, my little lambs. The Ouran host club would like to bid you welcome."

"As always, ladies, the host club members are here for your entertainment. So we invite you to dance to your heart's content. Based on her dancing skills," Kyoya informed the crowd, "one lucky young lady will be chosen as tonight's queen. The queen's reward will be a passionate kiss on the cheek from our king."

Tamaki winked. "Good luck to you, my darlings."

Haruhi didn't seem to be just as bored as me at the very idea of this party... and I wasn't the only one to notice.

"Haruhi, show some enthusiasm," the twins said.

"Well, excuse me, you guys," She crossed her arms. "Sorry. I'm not used to this sort of thing. I've only ever gone to the festivals held in my neighborhood park."

Kyoya adjusted his glasses. "I don't know if you can really consider that a party or not."

"Well," I shrugged boredly, waiting for one of these overly timid to ask me to dance, "since you're already here, you might as well get yourself something to eat. Looks like quite a spread.

Haruhi looked at me. "A spread? Like with fancy tuna?"

The other host stared freaking out about the tuna so I rolled my eyes and wondered down the stairs. I leaned against the wall to wait. Why is it that shy girls are into the 'edgy' boys?

"Hello, Aki," said a familiar voice.

I looked over at her. "Miss..." I had to think for a second. "Miss Riko." She had been standing with the other girls watching me.

"I've been looking all over for you." She smiled. "Do you think maybe I could have the next dance?"

"Of course." I offered her my hand as the music changed to the next song.

Girls gained more confidence seeing their peers come up and ask to dance. I danced with each of them in turn. It wasn't all that exciting for me. It was all ballroom dance, something I'd done since I was young, so it wasn't all that entertaining, just a distraction from my life. My life wasn't a bad one, just a complicated one. I know that the thoughts in my head kept me from seeming like I was there mentally but I suppose being distracted by inner thoughts helps to set the 'edgy' tone against a perfectly performed waltz.


My legs were nearly ready to collapse when Tamaki finally stopped the dancing by announcing, "Ladies and gentlemen. It is now time for us to begin the final dance of this evening's festivities." The spotlights shot out the windows and everyone crowded around onto the balconies. "The last waltz of the night has been chosen by the host club for this couple." When the song ended Tamaki called out, "May this awkward couple be forever blessed!"

"And now we'll announce the queen of the ball!" the twin set announced. "Congratulations, Princess Kanako Kasugazaki. And for her reward, a kiss on the cheek from the king... Haruhi Fujioka will stand in for Tamaki."

I quickly made my way out onto the balcony, taking Haruhi's place, as the young lady made her way down to the stairs to give the princess a kiss on the cheek.

Honey looked up at me. "Hey, you don't think this is Haru-chan's first kiss, do you?"

"Does it count if it's just on the cheek, Honey-sempai?"

"What?" Tamaki ran down the stairs in an extreme fashion. "Wait, Haruhi!" He tripped just behind the female host and knocked her into Princess Kanako.

"Even I can't deny that one was a first kiss," I smiled.

Haruhi didn't say anything. She just smiled and laughed lightly.

The Host Club's Bad Boy (an ohshc fan fiction)  (Tamaki X OC) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now