2: There's a Party Coming Up

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It had stopped raining by the time I left my one-bedroom apartment the next morning and it was sunny by the time I reached the school. I was swarmed with girls again and Suoh was there, standing confidently behind the girls.

I smirked as I took off my helmet. "You know my name yet Suoh?"

He smiled brightly. "Welcome to the host club, Aki Sato!"

I sighed. "You asked someone, didn't you, Suoh?"

He approached me. "You never said I couldn't ask someone... and Kyoya knew who you were, of course."

I traded my books for my helmet. "Of course you'd find the loophole to avoid doing any work..." I sighed. "Fine. I'll be there."


When I arrived in the host club after kendo practice, the club was in full swing. The boys were in very reveling clothes, most of their skin uncovered. "Aki-sempai," said one of the red head underclassmen. "You finally made it."

"You're so late, Aki-sempai," said the match to the set.

"I was at kendo," I responded before dropping my bag of padding at an empty table. "Prior commitments."

"So you're late because of another club?" asked Tamaki walking up behind me. "The Host Club should be your top priority."

"My discipline in my top priority, Suoh-kun. Things like this come second." I looked around the blonde boy to see a large group of girls standing around, watching. Some of them were excited about the scene, others seemed anxious. "Don't expect me to wear the shiny, showy outfit like yours either. I can't wear something like that."

"Do you have a problem with how our club is run, Aki-san?" asked a calculating voice.

"Kyoya-san," I said, looking at him. "I have no problem with how it's run. I have some things that I must do and things that I will not do. Wear revealing clothing is something I won't do and kendo three times a week is something I must do."

"Gentlemen don't bundle up in bulky clothing! It may be chilly early spring out there in the real world but here at the club we want to surprise our chilly little kittens with a warm tropical paradise, Oh yes! We've turned this place into nirvana, a balmy tropical island of everlasting summer!"

"That's funny," mumbled one of the hosts as they put down a tea pot in front of me and cups around the table, "'cause I feel a massive chill right now."

"Kyoya-san, could you tell me which of the ladies staring at Suoh-kun and I is waiting for me?"

"Right," Kyoya adjusted his glasses. "Those of you waiting for Aki-san are welcome to sit down." A few of the girls who had worried expressions sat around the little table.

I nodded a quick thanks to Kyoya and turned to the girls. At least I could have some fun with this if I wanted. "Would you ladies like some tea?"

"Oh yes," Tamaki said. "I almost forgot to mention to you ladies, next week the Ouran Host Club is sponsoring a party."

"A party?" I asked. "Seriously?"

"Yes," one of the red heads said, "in fact we've rented out the schools largest hall."

"Oh..." I looked back at the girls. "I got distracted. Did you want some tea?"

"Yes, please," said one of the girls with a smile. "I thought you were going to get in so much trouble standing up to Tamaki-sempai like that."

"Suoh-kun doesn't scare me." I poured her tea. "There are things that I will not, no, can not change in my life. Like riding my bike or kendo."

"You ride a motorcycle to school, Aki-sempai?"

"Yes." I poured the next girl her tea. "A red one imported from the United States of America."


"Would you take us for a ride sometime, Aki-kun?"

I poured my own tea. "Maybe." I shrugged.

The Host Club's Bad Boy (an ohshc fan fiction)  (Tamaki X OC) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now