6: The Physical Exam

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"Why are Honey and Mori dressed as doctors?" I asked Kyoya before heading to the special boys' clinic.

"I've got those two for backup, just in case something happens." He adjusted the glasses. "It's a part of Tamaki's plan..."

A man in a lab coat bumped into us. He was unshaven and less confident than the other doctors. "I'm terribly sorry."

Kyoya looked after him. "No problem..."

"I'm headed to my physical. I don't need to watch the twins perform." I waved to him as I left. I went to the special boys clinic.

"Mr. Sato, correct?" asked the nurse.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Please step behind the curtain and remove your shirt for chest measurements." I stepped behind the curtain and undid my shirt. The nurse brought in the tape measure and wrapped it around my chest. "And how long have you been on the hormone therapy?"

"I started when I was 14 and had the official surgery three years ago."

"That's very nice for you." She jotted down the measurement. "I would say you could do the usual physical exam if you'd like. You're quite buff."

I laughed lightly. "It's the kendo lifestyle." I stopped as I heard a commotion from the other side of the curtain beside me.

It was Tamaki's voice. "Haruhi! Tama-chan kick!"

I ran around the end of the curtain, my shirt in my hand. "Haruhi, are you okay?" I drapped it over her shoulder.

"One..." the twins said. "Good looks that attract the public eye."

"Two..." Kyoya adjusted his glasses. "More wealth than you could imagine."

"Three," Mori said chivalry that would never be able to overlook..."

"...the hideous wickedness of this world," Honey finished.

"That's what makes up the Ouran host club," Tamaki said.

Host club members: "We're here!" the club said. "Watch out!"

"Please don't hurt me." The doctor said. "Spare me my life. I'm a doctor. I have a small emergency medical clinic that I run in the next town over. My name is Yabu."

"Are you okay, Haruhi?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, I'm fine. He didn't hurt me."

"Good," I said.

"I'm here because I was hoping to see my daughter," the doctor said. "My wife left me last month and took my daughter with her. But I know that she attends school here."

Haruhi cocked her head. "I don't mean to pry or anything, but why did your wife and daughter leave you?"

"Well, you see, he said, "I let someone give me an IOU again and that was it. They left me forever. I know I'm terrible at managing our money and I can't say no to anybody. I don't blame them for being tired of constantly living in debt. But I wanted to see my daughter one more time, so I came here. After being pelted by rain and wandering the streets, I finally made it to your school. Once I entered, I was mistaken for a doctor here to examine students."

"Well of course. You're wearing a lab coat." The twins shrugged. "Anyone would mistake you."

The doctor looked to each of us with pleading eyes. "When I tried to ask a girl about my daughter, the girl started screaming and before I knew it, there were all kinds of people chasing me!"

"That's so tragic!" Tamaki yelled.

Kyoya adjusted his glasses. "Doctor Yabu, I think you may have the wrong place. Are you looking for Ourin public high school?"

Yabu nodded. "Yeah, that's right."

Kyoya gave a nod. "I figured out that might be the case. This is Ouran academy, a private institution. Your daughter doesn't go to school here." The doctor seemed to deflate.

"Man, that's pretty sad. You don't even know what school your daughter goes to?" the twins shook their heads. "I bet your relationship is messed up because you don't pay attention to her, not because of some stupid debt."

Honey looked up at Kyoya. "Wow, Kyo-chan, I'm impressed that you figured out he had the wrong school."

Kyoya shrugged. "Well, there's no way the daughter of such a small time doctor would ever be able to get into Ouran academy."

Haruhi gave him a look that said she resented that comment.

Tamaki cleared his throat. "Kyoya, would you please find a map of all the public school in this area? I'd like to help this man find his daughter."

Kyoya gave a quick nod. "Whatever you say."

"Are you sure about this?" the twin said. "After all, even if he does manage to find his daughter...

"...there's no guarantee she'll wanna speak to him," I finished.

Tamaki looked at me, "Well then, that's something he'll have to find out for himself."

Haruhi interrupted the conversation. "I'm sorry about this, you guys, but could you please leave?"

Tamaki fell into instant despair. "Haruhi, are you still angry with me? You're not thinking of quitting the host club, are you?"

Haruhi rolled her eyes. "Don't be stupid, senpai. I've just gotta finish my physical exam, as a male student, of course." She smiled. "Uh, but let me explain. I'm not doing this because you're bribing me with food. I'm doing it to pay back my debt."

Tamaki smiled widely and hugged Haruhi. "You're so cute, Haruhi! I can see right through you. I know you're just after that fancy tuna. But it's so cute that you're pretending..."

Haruhi pushed him away, knocking my shirt off her back. "Cut it out, senpai. Hey, don't touch me there."

I picked up the shirt and pulled it on as the twins stopped Tamaki and said, "Red card!" "Looks like Tamaki senpai..." "...is the real pervert."

Haruhi pushed the others out, not catching me in the group. "Who cares? Would you guys just get out of here?"

"Sorry," I said, stepping out of the curtain. Only Kyoya was still standing outside. "Kyoya-san..."

"Aki-san. I wanted to talk to you about something..."

"Could we do this later, Kyoya-san. That little episode interrupted my own physical exam..."

"It's just one question," he said. "How did you get here so fast?"

The curtain beside us shifted and my nurse appeared. "Mr. Sato? Are you ready to continue your exam?"

"Yeah, one second..." I said. "Because I was right here. Now, excuse me, Kyoya-san. I'll see you at the club." I turned and stepped back behind the curtain.

Chest x-rays, Urine tests, Girth, Height, weight, Blood pressure testing, Blood tests, and Hearing test are the things covered in a yearly physical exam in Japan.

The Host Club's Bad Boy (an ohshc fan fiction)  (Tamaki X OC) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now