13: A Bike Ride

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I pulled on my leather jacket as I walked down the stairs, nearly bumping into my downstairs neighbor, Ranka, getting back from her shift at the tranny bar. "Hey there, cutie," she teased.

"Good morning Ranka. Home awfully late today, aren't we?"

"It was a good night at the bar, Aki," Ranka said, rubbing her five o clock shadow. "Where are you headed so early this morning?"

I snapped my leather together. "I'm headed down to clear my saddle bags and get some gas. I'm making a trip out to Seto this weekend."

"Oh my," Ranka smiled. "Won't it be cold out there by the sea? Why on earth would you go out there so early in the season?"

"I've got some family out that way that invited me for the weekend."

"Why don't you take Haruhi with you? I do hate leaving her alone for so long and I have to work a double this weekend."

"Oh, uh..." I rubbed my hair, "I-I don't think that's a good idea."

"Nonsense!" Ranka exclaimed, grabbing me by the shoulders. "I'm sure Haruhi would love to go with you!" She, being slightly bigger and quite a bit stronger than me, pulled me towards her apartment. She held my wrist tight as she unlocked her door.

"Aright!" I pulled my hand from her wrist but stood waiting. If I hadn't, Ranka was likely to try to drag me back before I reached the stairs again.

"Great!" She pushed the door open. "Haruhi! I'm home!"

"Hi, Dad," Haruhi said unenthusiastically as she put an omelet on a plate, still dressed in her pjs. She turned and paused at seeing me. "Senpai? What are you doing here?"

"I was just getting-"

"He's going to Seto this weekend and wants you to go with him!" Ranka interrupted.

"Oh... uh..." Haruhi said. "I guess I can go..."

"Great!" Ranka said. "Aki just needs to put gas in his bike and he'll be back to get you!" Ranka pushed me back out the door and closed it.

"What the fuck just happened?" I asked myself, stating down the stairs again.


"So why'd you want me to go to Seto with you?" Haruhi asked.

I put my things in my saddle bag, having taken my judo robes and schoolbooks back to my apartment. "To be honest, Ranka kinda just sprang it on me and pulled me along. I was planning on going alone." I took her things and put them in the other bag, handing her the helmet.

"You don't have to take me..."

"Well, Ranka would probably try to tie you and me to the bike if I tell you to stay." I shook my head. "Your father is quite the woman." I passed her a pair of button up chaps. "These are going to be way too long for you but you'll be grateful for them when we hit the highway." I helped her button the legs of the chaps up and tighten the buckle around her. "We'll stop once about halfway there for gas but let me know if you need to stop to use the bathroom."

"Okay..." Haruhi tightened the helmet and slipped her phone in her pocket.

"Secure your phone well," I said, slipping mine into the saddle bag. "If it falls it'll be trashed." Haruhi slid her phone in too and I helped her onto the bike in the too-long leather chaps. I stood the bike up and started it. "What kind of music do you like?" I asked over the roar of the engine.

"It doesn't matter, senpai. Anything you want is fine."

"Alright. Hold onto me while we get going. If you feel more comfortable once we're moving at a steady pace you can sit back." Haruhi placed her arms around my midsection and I turned up the radio, blaring American Classic Rock as I revved the bike and we took off.


I stopped the bike by the gas pump and Haruhi ran in to grab us something to snack on as I filled the tank. I locked it on as I heard my phone ring and dug my phone from the saddle bag to see it lighting up with Tamaki's name. I didn't remember putting it in my phone but it was there. I hit answer. "Hello?"

"Aki! Haruhi is missing!" Tamaki yelled desperately into the phone. "Nobody else will listen to me but her phone is just going straight to voice mail!"

"Tamaki," I said, taking out the handle from the tank. "Haruhi is perfectly safe. She's with me."

"Wait. What? Why is she with you?"

"Rude. Her father asked me to take her to Seto with me for the weekend. Well, more like forced me to." I started toward the gas station to pay. "We're about halfway there, actually."

"So you're in Seto?"

"Will be in a few hours. I can text you when we get there if that'd make you more comfortable but we're on my bike so no phones."

"Please do," Tamaki said, sounding much calmer than when I'd answered the phone.

"Alright, Tamaki," I said. "I'll text you later. Bye."


I opened the door. Haruhi wasn't waiting in the door so I figured she'd made her way to the bathroom real quick. I waved to the cashier and went to get something to drink. I picked up my drink and spotted Haruhi in the mirror used to extend the reach of the security cameras. She was rubbing her arm, a teen boy with black hair bothering her. I walked over to them and cleared my throat.

"Sorry man," the boy said, putting a hand around Haruhi's shoulder and pulling her away from the refrigerator door.

"What do you think you're doing?" I crossed my arms.

"What's it to you?" he asked.

I reached out and grabbed Haruhi's hand, pulling her to my chest. "Leave my girl alone, kid."

"Who you callin' kid?" the boy said.

I handed Haruhi my drink and my wallet. "Go check out, Haruhi, but don't leave the store yet." Haruhi nodded and walked the long way around the store to check out. I popped my knuckles, glaring. "You wanna tell me what your plans for my girl were?"

The boy took a step back. "I didn't mean anything by it, man. All fun and games."

"Uh-huh." I stiff armed him as I walked by him, joining Haruhi at the door. We moved the bike into a regular parking spot and sat on the curb in front of it to eat our lunch.

We both glared at the boy as he scurried away.

The Host Club's Bad Boy (an ohshc fan fiction)  (Tamaki X OC) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now