15: A Meeting

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I sat in the front row between my older brother and younger sister, waiting for our mother to take her oath. I had spotted my father earlier and received only a glare from him. It had been expected. We hadn't gotten along well before my transition and it being finalized made him senselessly angry. Just another reason to distance myself from my family.

My mother entered the room.

The three of us stood and bowed, the rows of people behind us doing the same. Mom bowed back to each of us three in turn then to the crowd once. We all sat again as my mother stood before us, her vision in far focus and hands behind her back making even the small woman look like a powerful giant among the room.

My mother took a deep breath before speaking solemnly. "Good morning, everyone. Yesterday was a solemn day for us all. We all, as a family, made the choice to pull the pug on my father's, the godfather's, life support. As Godfather Sato's only child, today I stand before you, ready to accept the title of Godfather Sato, a tile I will one day pass to one of my three children. My son, Natsu Sato," Natsu stood. "As my first born boy it will one day be your responsibility to take up my title and pass on the Sato name." Natsu kneeled beside mom, facing the crowd. "Aki Sato." I stood, a little nervous. "As my second born son, it will one day be your responsibility to be a protector of our home and family name." I kneeled bedside my brother. "Fuyu Sato." Fuyu stood. "As my only daughter and last born child, I ask only that you help to protect the Sato name." She kneeled. "As the new Godfather, I ask of each of you to protect each other and our people."

The three of us stood, bowing to the crowd. "I accept my duty," we said in unison.

The crowd stood and bowed. In unison, they said, "Welcome Godfather Sato. We accept our responsibilities to you, to your family, and to our syndicate."

My mother bowed to them. "I accept my duties fully as Godfather Sato." Everyone stood again. "Everyone please enjoy the celebration of Godfather Hoon Sato's life as he wished of us."

The tension left the room and the crowd was suddenly more lighthearted. I smiled at my mother who was already smiling at us. "It's good to see you again, mom."

Mom smiled. "I'm so happy you're all together again. All three of my beautiful children." She pulled us all into a group hug. "I'm so proud of the young men and woman you three have become."

My phone vibrated in my leather jacket pocket. "Sorry, mom." I pulled out my phone. "I brought a few people with me."

"I'd love to meet them, Akio," Mom said.

"It's still just Aki, Mom," I said, negating her use of the male version of my given name. I'd always liked my name and had decided that even though it was feminine, I would be keeping the given name rather than using a male variant.

"Right!" mom said with a light laugh, touching my face with a smile. "Sorry
You're exactly what I always though you'd be like, Aki. So handsome and confident. Go get your friends and bring them back for the party. We have plenty of wealth to share."

"Thank you, Mom." I bowed. "I'll be back very soon." I smiled.

The Host Club's Bad Boy (an ohshc fan fiction)  (Tamaki X OC) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now