10: The Beach (Part Two)

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I closed my eyes, sitting back in my chair as Tamaki asked, "Kyoya, would you show me to my room, please?"

I sighed through my nose as I took a last drink of my bubbly water. As predicted, I hadn't eaten much.

"No problem," Koya stood beside me. "Well, excuse me, everyone." The two left as I opened my eyes.

Haruhi stared at her plate. "Maybe he's right. Maybe I do need to learn a way to protect myself..."

"So, that's it," the twins said together. "He got to you, huh?"

"Well," I said, trying my hardest not to take a side, "it wouldn't hurt you to learn martial arts or something."

"But it's not like we're going to force you to learn it," the twins shrugged. "Besides, that's not the real issue here." They pointed at me and Haruhi across form each other.

"To be honest, we were all a little worried about how recklessly you two acted."

"What do you mean two?" I asked. "Wasn't I the one who stopped them from hurting the girls?"

"We didn't cause you guys any trouble or anything," Haruhi said in her defense.

"That's not true, Haru-chan." Honey pointed at Haruhi. "I think you should apologize, 'kay? You made us all worried, especially Tama-chan. I think you need to apologize to him the most."

"So you were worried about me?" Haruhi asked, "But why?"

The twin shook their heads. "You're hopeless."

"Haruhi," I explained, "as a girl, even if you don't present as one, you're genetically less muscular than a man. You're also pretty small in stature and aren't very intimidating. And you haven't had any formal training in fighting making you even less of a threat. When I said run, Haru-chan, you should have taken and led the girls safely down the cliff. Instead you nearly drowned and we exposed Riko-chan to a lot of blood and violence that could leave her scared."

"You think, Aki-sempai?" Haruhi looked at everyone. "Guys, I'm really sorry."

"Apology accepted, you little mutt," the twins said. "You're so cute. We forgive you." The twins cocked their heads. "Is something wrong?"

Haruhi was turning green. "I'm not feeling so good."

"You must've eaten too much crab," I said.

Honey frowned. "Be strong, Haru-chan!"

"Let's get her to the nearest restroom!" The twins rushed her down the hall. "Hurry!"


I sat shirtless on my bed as I heard the toilet flush. Haruhi stepped out talking to herself. "Well, that was a waste of a good meal. I was in such a hurry, I just ran into the closest room I could find. Where am I?"

"Are you okay now?" I asked, watching the raindrops race down my window.

"I apologize, sir." I heard her footsteps as she started closer to me. "I didn't mean to intrude."

"Don't be silly, Haruhi." I looked at her. "It's just me."

She stopped just a few feet behind me. "Aki-senpai? Senpai, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to make everyone worry about me today."

"Thanks, but in my rage, I wasn't especially worried. I almost beat them half-to-death and because you didn't listen to me, Kyoya made me send Riko-chan and the other girls a bouquet of flowers to apologize. They'd been looking forward to this trip and seeing that much blood when it was supposed to be relaxing was hard on them."

The Host Club's Bad Boy (an ohshc fan fiction)  (Tamaki X OC) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now