Chapter - 1

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I am IwaOi's daughter nice to meet you! I will disclose my name as the story progresses or you can see my bio. This is a story of my parents and Uncles (Omi, Tsum, Samu and Rin)

My mama Tooru told me this story which I am sharing with you. Its got a lot of tea :) 👀👀

Before starting with the story, i need to explain how few things in this story works.

Thoughts - italics

I will put the conversations in " "

if i remember more later i will add on to this but for now lets start!




Osamu's POV

Atsumu is not in the right relationship. Its clearly toxic, but like the saying goes, love is blind. Atsumu really loves that bastard while I know for a fact that he is just using him. I want to tell him but he is gonna be hurt...

"Mr. Miya Osamu, can you hear me? Stop daydreaming and concentrate on the class please." I should let these thoughts slide.

After school, Atsumu told me that he was going on a date with that boyfriend of his. I don't trust that guy. I'm following them to make sure he doesn't do anything to 'Tsumu.

Third Person's POV

The boyfriend took Atsumu to a café and it went on like a normal date. Osamu was still following them. After they were done they were just walking around here and there. Then the boyfriend took Atsumu to a weird alley. It didn't give good vibes instead it could make one uncomfortable and unsafe and that's what Atsumu felt. Then Atsumu was pushed into the alley. The boyfriend said, "Your food is here boys. Feast on him. He is tasty."

Atsumu was surrounded by weird guys. They were wearing slightly torn clothes and didn't look like they had good intentions. There was smoke in the air from cigars and a lot of alcohol smell which filled the air. All that made it hard for Atsumu to breathe. He could feel hands on him and those hands were touching his upper body and that made him sick. He could feel hands inside his shirt and tried his best to make it stop. He felt tears trickle down his face. He couldn't understand why his boyfriend would do this. Maybe he was blind because of love. He begged his boyfriend to make it stop.

Osamu was on call with Suna the entire time. When he saw this happening he told Suna to inform the police and gave the location. Then Osamu ran made his way to the scene and slapped the boyfriend. Osamu said, "I had this gut feeling that you would do something today and you proved me right. Let him go." The boyfriend chuckled and said, "He was useless anyway, let him come to use now. " At this statement Osamu slapped him harder and went to free Atsumu from the filthy peoples grips but as he went to get him, he got hit by a glass bottle on the head. This made him unconscious and Atsumu was crying harder. The filthy men ripped his shirt off and one of them tried to kiss him. They were taking turns to touch his body and Atsumu felt like trash. He felt like an object who was being used. He gave up trying to get away from them. He could feel a trail of kisses down his neck. He even got kissed multiple times on the lips. They scratched his skin with their shabby nails, which caused him to bleed. He wanted to go and see what had happened to his brother but strong hands were holding him and those hands were hurting him.

Finally the police arrived though everyone tried to flee they couldn't. Suna had come too and hen he saw Osamu lying in a pool of blood he immediately called the ambulance. The twin's parents were also informed. Suna saw Atsumu's state and it angered him. Atsumu hadn't spoken a word and Suna knew that Atsumu was heart broken and needed some time. He know that he couldn't make Atsumu feel better so he had to call Oikawa, Atsumu's best friend.

Broken hearts and Crushes (SakuAtsu)(IwaOi) Omegaverse [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now