Chapter - 16

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(Doc) " Ok. So basically a person can get to know if they are Alpha, Beta or Omega between the ages of 15-19 ( in my story). You have got into your first heat!

(Atsumu)" I- what?

(Doc) "You will have to stay home or any closed area so that your scent doesn't attract any Alphas. If you have a mate then you are good to go! Suna instruct Atsumu through his first heat cuz you know how it works. These are the heat pills. Oh and Btw I wanted to ask you... What are those marks on your body?"

(Atsumu)" I- I had been almost raped before....."

(Doc)" Oh thank god you weren't in your heat and thank god the Omgea side of you hadn't shown/ activated yet... Or you would probably get pregnant."

(Osamu)" Not that type of rape but you can call it sexual assault. We are thankful too.."

(Suna)" K. We better get going now. Atsumu I know you are in pain, take this pill. It will supress the pain for the time being. Samu we can't risk raking him in a cab cuz his scent is too strong. We need Oikawa to come."

(Osamu)" But how can you be sure he's not an alpha?"

(Suna)" He is an Omega, but the Omega side of him hasn't revealed yet. The guy hasn't even got his first heat yet. When the heat shows up and all depends on the genetics. He told me and Atsumu someday that right after he was born his parents got it checked. After they got to know he was an Omega they tried to keep him as safe as they could. Yet that incident happened. Anyway Oikawa is kinda the best person for Atsumu to live with."

They informed Oikawa and he arrived as fast as he could.

(Oikawa)" Tsum?!?! You are an omega?! Don't worry I am a safe person to live with and I will keep Iwa Chan away from you until your heat is done."

(Osamu)" Iwaizumi San is an Alpha?"

(Oikawa)" Yeah. Its not the best for the two of them to kinda be near each other when Tsum is in his heat."

(Suna)" Yea.. Also like the doctor said I will be looking after Atsumu for now."

(Atsumu)" The doctor never told you to look after me Suna.... She said instruct 😏😼🙃. Do you care about me??"

(Suna)" I don't care about you Tsum 😤🙄. Now do you want my help or not?"

(Oikawa)" He definetly does cuz K haven't had my heat of experienced being an Omega yet. Why don't you move in till his heat is over?"

(Osamu)" If he is moving in... Can I move in too.... 👉👈....?"

(Oikawa)" Sure why not? I will need your company since Iwaizumi will be banned for a while. Nothing will happen if you stay cuz your mated. Anyway those are yer rooms. Wait do you want seperate rooms or one room?" Atsu can stay in his room. There are four rooms including my mom's, if ya want seperate rooms one of ya can use that."

(Osamu)" Its fine me and Suna will share."

(Atsumu)" Osamu, Suna not in someone else's house please. Keep your horniness to yourselves for the next few days 😇🙃.

(Osamu)" W-we know that."

(Oikawa) "I don't really mind if yer willing to wear protection and all."

(Osamu)" Really?!"

(Suna)"Samu for a few days only ok? So keep it to yerself."

(Osamu)" Fine.."

(Oikawa)" You guys are cute lmao!"

Time skip~

(After breakfast)

Broken hearts and Crushes (SakuAtsu)(IwaOi) Omegaverse [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora