Chapter - 19

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(Atsumu)" YOU DON'T KNOW THAT. What is he does like you... Why do I get hurt... Do I like him........ It has to be more than that.... FORK IT I LOVE HIM."

(Osamu)" Its fine Tsum... Its fine if you love him..... Its like a fresh start maybe...?"

(Atsumu)" But he doesn't like me.... There is no point... I keep telling that to myself but.... I still love him...... I shouldn't be in love though.... I told myself I won't.... I am going against my words... That's what pisses me off..."

(Oikawa)" Its ok... Calm down. Its nit wrong to fall in love. Its not a crime."

(Atsumu)" It feels wrong.... Cuz I am going against myself..."

(Osamu)" We know how stubborn you are..."

At that point of time no one cared if Atsumu was in his heat. All they could see was their friend crying and they needed to comfort him.

Osamu goes forward and hugs his twin. Atsumu starts to cry harder. Osamu pats his back gently and ruffles through the blonde's hair.

(Osamu)" Its ok....(gently patting) Its fine... Its fine to love someone and I am happy that you are. I didn't want that incident to be stuck to you. I thought you would never move on. But now I am glad that you are able to move on, forget him. Yet I know you still bear a lot of pain behind your smile. If he can make you forget all of that and make you genuinely smile again I will be greatly thankful to him. I just want to see you smile, not the fake one which you put on everyday. I want to see your real smile again. The one you had when we were kids. You used to be so happy. Not a single care in the world. If he hurts you remember we are all there. That guy won't breathe again if he hurts you. Remember we love you."

Atsumu calms down yet tears flow.

(Iwaizumi)" Oikawa........ I need to tell you something..."

(Oikawa)" What is it Iwa Chan?"

(Iwaizumi)" I haven't told my family members or anyone about our relationship.... My mom wouldn't accept me..... No one would..... Yhe real reason why I hadn't confessed to you for so long was because of that.... I really love you Oikawa, Always... Since the start. I had to behave cold to you so that no one would think that we were dating or anything... Mom still thunks you are just a friend... Even my older brother won't accept me..... Only my second sister, who is the third kid of my family...knows my actual sexuality... I don't know what to do Oikawa...."

(Oikawa)" Iwa Chan.... Why didn't you tell me before....? Iwa Chan if anything happens we will be there... Ok? When are you going to tell her though...?"

(Iwaizumi)" I wasn't planning on telling her.... Cuz she might ask me to break up with you and I don't wanna do that..."

(Oikawa)" If not now you will have to tell her one day.."

(Iwaizumi)" Yea... I know... I think Miya's suppressent is wearing off.... Imma go outside."

They have dinner and sleep and Sakusa will come home everyday skipping practice to look after Atsumu. Their friendship grows. After Atsumu's heat is over they all come back to Oikawa's house in the afternoon everyday after school Sakusa, Iwaizumi and Suna go back home after dinner while Oikawa and the twins remain. It was prettymuch like a routine and they all had a nice time.

Time skip a few weeks~~

"Iwa Chan! Now that we are in the mall for our dateeeee let's go shopping!"

"We could rather go eat first cuz I am hungry."

"Iwa Chan we literally had so much popcorn while watching the movie, how are you hungry?"

Broken hearts and Crushes (SakuAtsu)(IwaOi) Omegaverse [COMPLETED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin