Chapter - 8

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Thank God everything is fine...Iwaizumi is like a distraction for Oikawa and he might not always think of his mom. That aside, I should have asked for that germaphobe's name...maybe Suna will know.....

"Hey Suna, Hey Samu. Hey dad."

" is Oikawa....?"

" basically vented to Iwa Chan and they confessed to each other and kissed- basically shit happened but Oikawa is fine. At least right now. After seeing whatever he is going through, whatever happened to me is nothing. Dad you should find him a therapist cuz even if he might look fine right now...deep down I know he isn't cuz look at me, it still hurts me whenever I think of that. I was touched and kissed and hurt. If I need a therapist he definitely does."

"Ok...but vent to someone Tsum. Maybe your brother...but don't vent to Oikawa....because he might not be in the stage to listen to what you have to say..."

"Yea...I know..but even though Iwaizumi San shouldnt have forced things out of him at this point I'm glad they confessed. Oikawa at least has Iwaizumi San."

Everyone lets out a sigh. They all feel bad for the boy and they hope nothing else would happen to him. Their father leaves for work. Atsumu starts,

"Suna..did you know about some new cute- new kid who joined our school...? A new kid who is in the volleyball club??"

"You mean that tall black haired kid who is now in our class? You should get updated on whats least I have my sources."

"Your creepy"

"Fine but you won't get information on that "cute" guy you wanna know."

"Fine fine I take it back but tell me about him please..."

"I don't know much but that kid was previously in Itachiyama before and he is one of the top aces in the country. I am sure you have heard his name before but never seen him. His name is Sakusa Kiyoomi, a huge germaphobe. Its tough to talk to that guy cuz he is probably gonna call you a germ or something. I am sure you have heard of his cousin too, Motoya Komori. Both of them joined Inarizaki. Motoya is a really good libero. He is in our class too. We should really go to school...cuz I heard that the team needs a setter. Anyway why are you so interested in him now?"

"Umm...👉👈 nothing..."

"Tsumu..I know your hiding something. Won't you tell your wonderful twin brother?"

Atsumu gives up and explains whatever had happened in the morning. The other two smirk which make the blonde blush.

"Good to know your getting over that guy Tsumu."

"I don't know if I am getting over him...but I try my best everyday not to think of him...not to think of it. If this guy is a distraction for me then it would help."

"I am warning you now Atsumu, that guy is hard to talk to....forget about having a relationship with him. I don't wanna see you heartbroken again..even though I might be mean...I do care....cuz you are Samu's twin....and he loves you more than anything..."

"OMG Sunaaaa when did you start becoming so caring about me 😛😭???"

"Shut up 🙄"

"Anyway I wanted to go to school during practice....should I?"

"If it gets your mind off of it then sure Tsum but if anyone talks trash about you they should prepare their grave first 🙂🔪🔪"

" Okok Samu. Love you. Bye Sunaaa."

Atsumu gets out of the hospital. He takes a deep breath of fresh air and that felt good. He was very thankful to Oikawa for saving his life that day. He was thankful to this Sakusa Kiyoomi too. He wanted to go back and check on Oikawa but he wanted to give them some privacy so he went to get a walk in the park.

Broken hearts and Crushes (SakuAtsu)(IwaOi) Omegaverse [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now