Part 29

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>>1 year later <<

[Bethany's P.o.v]

It's only 9 am! I've been awake for last 5 hours. My stomach is bubbling with anxiety, and abit of excitement. Today a soft copy of my acceptance, or rejection letter would be emailed to me at 12pm sharp. This meant another 3 hours of waiting, the wait itself is antagonizing. Like I just want to get it over and done with. If I could handle the crazy year I had, I could certainly handle waiting 3 hours.
So let's start from the beginning, not the very beginning, but you know the part where those guys at the center were acting like jerks?

So it turned out that those suckers couldn't take a verbal beating from a girl. One of those guys 'tried' to physically show me my place. Let's just say that he won't be trying anything with any girl, especially with his favorite part of his anatomy.

Literally after a bruised, and injured manhood, that guy just didn't get it. He took me to court. Off course he didn't win the case though, in the modern world cctv cameras can be an absolute blessing, along with many reliable witnesses.

His testimony consisted that I orchestrated the entire thing by sending him mixed signals ,was purely to gain public attention was absolutely nuts! Well not that he has any now 😇! . The court ruled in my favor. Despite the judge been a male, he was a father as well. He didn't want the girls in our town ,or his daughters to ever feel, as if they did something wrong, if they ever experienced something similar. That if something happend, society should not point fingers at the girls first. He wanted the girls to believe in the system again,and  to have faith.
He wanted to change the attitude of the perpetrators
of the world. No more slaps on the wrist! So he sentenced the douche bags with the harshest punishment ever! No one could appeal that, because the douche bags were actually found guilty. The video, and the corroborating evidence from numerous witnesses worked in my favor. The best part of this emotionally draining battle was that, it inspired alot of girls, and woman out there! Unfortunately the lime light also attracted some unwanted guests... My parents!

It wasn't emotionally easy having them back. It was a toxic environment all over again. It completely drained my energy . I felt so dark, and depressed. I had so many negative emotions wanting to burst through, and ruin every good thing I had going on in my life. I was fortunate enough to see where this would lead to if I didn't allow people to help me, if I didn't open up, and let people in. With the love, and support from Blake and family, I started to let go of all that toxic energy. It didn't even bother me at all when my 'parents' literally demanded that I move back home with them. They didn't have any grounds to force me back though under the werewolf law. Well that was according to Carly. Being part of a pack where women were oppressed, and kept in dark about alot of things. I barely understood the werewolf law. Carly refuted all of their claims for me, protecting and shielding me from everything . They couldn't force me to back, because I am the beta female of Robert's pack. Also my mate is in this pack too. It also helped that I had Aria, and Chris on my side too. One of my favorite highlights was, when Chris quite bluntly lied to my parents, he told them that he is a hunter who kills werewolves for fun, and that he is my best friend. The look on their faces were absolutely priceless. They were actually terrified .When had their 'porcelain china doll'  daughter crack and become so ugly? They probably wandered.

Quick random fact , did you know that Aria Dee isn't actually her full name? She just goes by Aria Dee, because the 15 year old her thought it was rather cool. Her full name is Aria Diya Parker. She has an Indian middle name. Her parents named her Diya, because she's destined to bring light into people's lives. And that she did, especially to mine!

And if you thought that was my crazy year, well... There's abit more! It's nothing major though. I've always dreamed of going to Stanford to pursue my honors in Accounting. The thing is that Stanford is a 6 hour drive from Abraxas. Blake wasn't happy about the long distance, but he tried not to be bias. He never forced me to see things his way as well. I was truly fortunate to have him as mine. He never tried to take away my individuality, he has always supported my ideas in wanting to live, and experience life. To never stop growing, and to never allow myself to be molded into one fixed figurine for the rest of my life especially when I'm so young. I applied to both Stanford, and the local university in Abraxas as a back up. I have already been accepted in Abraxas though. I haven't responded to them. Alot of our acquaintances, and friends were quite bewildered by the fact that I was actually considering going to Stanford.

' What about Blake?'

' What about the pack?'

'Wouldn't that seem abit selfish after everything the Cane's did for you?'

' Have you thought about everyone else?'

All of those questions were just thrown at me. Maybe it is a little selfish, or unfair to Blake? But would I honestly feel this way, if no one asked me questions like these? Or if someone tried to convince me other wise. I'm not running away from my relationship, nor my family or friends. I'm still going to there for everyone, I just won't be there immediately. Sure it's going to be a little more than challenging. There will be days that makes me want curl up in a ball, and cry, or run back home into Blake's arms. It doesn't mean that it won't get better, or that things will turn out badly. I can still do me! And I will! I shouldn't have to feel this way, where people feel the need to dictate my relationship with Blake. If my mate is trying to be supportive of me, despite wanting me to be nearer him. I don't need anything else! His support, and my family's (The Cane's, and Chris) is just enough. If people would go through the extremes, fight wars and battles for their mate, why are people so sceptical about a long distance relationship? When the bond is true, the love is honest and there's effort from both side, it will survive against all odds.

* Time to quit reminiscing! It's almost time.* my wolf says excitedly.

*What that can't be right! It was literally 9 am a second ago! * I say

*Check the clock, you'll see! * my wolf says.

I do as she says, and my wolf is somehow correct. I have no idea how she manages to keep track of time. Okay here goes as I refresh my email, and crossing my fingers afterwards. The funny thing is that no matter how crazy, frustrating, rough or tiring my year has been. Everything has come down to this very moment.

I see an unread email, it's from Stanford.

"It's here!" I shout out! I knew my family would want to be here for this moment, no matter what happens. They were waiting in the living room, as they didn't want to crowd me in the mornings. I open the email when everyone is in the room, Blake sitting right beside me, holding my hand.

"So what does it say?" Cole asks gently.

"I'm short listed until further notice" I say sounding a little disappointed. I honestly had a feeling, that I would be accepted.

No one says anything, they just give me a gummy bear group. I feel slightly better after a while.

"Wait did you check for course you're short listed for? You applied for other different courses at Stanford as well." Blake asks.

Everyone immediately let's me go, urging me to check again. I refresh my Gmail again, and what do you know ? I have about 2 unopened emails from Stanford!
How could I have been so silly? I quickly open them, and skimmed through the emails looking for the main part of the letter.

I squeal! "Omg I got in! I actually got in!" I say to my family.

I would be going to Stanford!

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