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>>>4 years later <<<
[Bethany's P.o.v]

You know! Once you've accomplished, or achieved something in life. The journey, the obstacles, the numerous times you've hit rock bottom. It's all a blur, everything just feels so surreal. Obtaining my honors in Accounting had not been a walk in the park. It was an entirely different, strange, but beautiful journey. Fending for myself wasn't so bad, I already had years of experience, when it came to looking out for me! The challenging part, the one part I thought I'd never experience, was that I felt homesick at times. I had become so used Carly's home cooked meals, discussing politics, and the economy with Robert, enjoying girl time with Erin, Coles's light hearted nature, and Chris well being himself. I missed Blake the most though! I can still remember us juggling things out, whilst still trying to balance our studying, duties, time for ourselves, and each other. We both met each other half way, sometimes I met him more than halfway when he was caught up with stuff , and vice versa. We found a town in the middle of the journey, so we met up there on a Friday night, and went our own ways on Sunday. We repeated this process when ever possible. I didn't have much of a social life given the way I had balanced my life out, but that was okay with me. I'm a loner wolf after all! I did end up forming a close bond with my two roomies Catalena and Nicolean, so I never really felt socially isolated in Stanford. I also had Silver by my side every step off the way. Having the right kind of support in life, makes all the difference in world. Even a loner wolf like me, found warmth, and a connection with the people around me!

But that's not all that happened during the last 4 years. Erin officially became a Cane! Cole wasn't lying when he said Erin wouldn't be Ms Bell for long. They got married two years ago, after Cole accidentally knocked up Erin. Both Carly, and Robert were excited to become grandparents, but they were still upset. They wanted both Cole, and Erin to complete their tertiary education, before they even settled down. It was absolutely hilarious to see Carly mothering Cole, and Erin about their life choices and behavior, well until she set her sights on Blake and I. Damn karma! Erin gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Jennifer Renay Cane. That little madam is adored by everyone at home, Blake and Cole have already threatened to castrate any boy who comes within a 2 meter distance of Jen. Typical protective male behavior! Although it is secretly endearing. Speaking of making things official! Blake and I are hosting dinner tonight, the night before my graduation ceremony. Tonight's the night everyone's going to see Blake's mark on me. We were talking about it the other night. We both felt that enough time has passed by, things were falling into place, and it just felt right to take the next step. It was so magical, completely out of this world, and that's not impossible in the supernatural world. It was the second purest thing I've ever felt, the first been the spiritual spark my soul felt for our Goddess. I just can't wait to share this with my family. Believe it or not Chris actually became a part of this family. Erin's sister Kiasha had found her mate in Chris, and those two were pretty fast. A year after they met, they had a baby girl named Shraddha. It seems that this family is blessed to have girls. Blake's always boasts about how we are going to get it right, but deep down I know he wouldn't mind a girl, or boy. The love he has for Jen, and Shraddha has been giving me baby fever all the time. If anything happens I'll just blame it on him! My musings are brought short, when I start to pick up on the arrival of our family. It's time!

"Blake they are here!" I say out loud, knowing he'll be able to hear me from the other room.

Well here it goes! A happy ever after? Nope! Each, and every day will have us experiencing a new journey filled with ups and downs! Each day has a story to tell, and our stories never end! Where one thing ends, another begins. But of course? This part of my life does have a happy ending!

Hi everyone, I just wanted to say thank you for the support, and appreciation you've showed me.

The support is much appreciated ❤️.

Thank you for reading my book from the very beginning, and following my story to the end! I hope you guys have enjoyed my amateur writing 😅.

Whilst this story's journey has been completed, there's so much more room for another (hopefully). That's it for now! It's been such a warm, and positive experience to share this with you.


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