Part 23

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[Bethany's P.o.v]

I spot twelve rogues , before they start to surround Chris and I. Silver eyes them all, whilst her stance shows that she is fiercely protective over Chris, and ready to pounce. The wolves circle us, taunting us off our impending fate. I start to pick up on Blake's and Cole's scent, they are nearby. My heart starts to swell with hope. Unfortunately I'm not the only one who picks up on Blake's and Cole's scents. The rogues growl even more, they sound annoyed that their play time is over. Rogues are well known for taunting their victims, before going in for the kill.

A few rogues run off in the direction of Cole and Blake, leaving the rest of the rogues to deal with me.

Two wolves begin to run toward me, their sharp, and rotten teeth clearly visible. Silver has an idea. It could work I think to myself, after skimming her thoughts. When they were close enough, she chargers forward, and rolls horizontally knocking both wolves out with her force. It only works for a few seconds, but it gave us some time to assess the situation. The two wolves spring up and lurch into action, but this time coming at us from different angles, making it difficult to knock them out simultaneously. Silver decides to take out the rogue running the fastest towards us, thus giving us abit more time to deal with the second wolf and rest. I could never count on the fact that these rogues would play fairly. Silver charges forward toward the faster rogue, lowering her head, and body abit to head butt the rogues chest. Once his down, she bites his throat off hastily before turning to other rogue. Silver ducks in time, before the rogue's sharp claws could dig into Silver's side. I could sense another two wolves surround me from the back surrounding me, whilst the last rogue makes his way to Chris. I don't immediately panic at this, Chris could handle himself against one wolf until help arrives, and as long as I keep these rogues focused on me. The three wolves pounce on me at once. I yelp when I feel claws sink into my stomach, and when I'm bitten on my left back leg, all at once. They are just too heavy for me.

*Just hold on a little more Silver * I say to my wolf.

*I'm trying, it hurts so much Beth! * She replys.

*I know, but you're so much stronger than this! You're not a beta female for nothing Silver. Go show them what regret feels like! * I encourage.

The small pep talk seemed to really fire Silver up. She started to furiously wriggle, biting, and clawing wherever she could. I think I even heard a rogue whimper.

*Scratch their eyes off, and bite off their ears!* I say, not even bothered by how gruesome this sounds.

Silver only manages to scratch out the eyes of the rogue in front of her. The rogue starts to panic, losing focus, and accidentally knocking one rogue off her. She uses this to her advantage, and wiggles free from the other rogue. The other rogue lurches at Silver again, but she manages to narrowly duck. Her movements are abit more sluggish now due to her injuries, and low energy levels. The other rogue ends up crashing into the blind rogue. Before the blind, and the other rogue could wake up. She uses her strength to head butt the third rogue into the other two rogues. The blind rogue wriggles more, and ends up clawing the other rogue in my favor. Using what ever energy I have left, I bite the third rogues throat hard, and rip his throat off, killing him instantly. Silver quickly glances at Chris to check on him. He's struggling, and the only obstacle stopping me from helping him is the two injured, yet dangerous rogues left. I glance at the spot where I knocked the rogues over, only the blind rogue is still on the ground. Where's the other one?

I guess I didn't have to wait much longer to find out. I could suddenly feel Silver been knocked off her paws, and crashing hard onto the ground. The rogue snarls at us angrily, and charges toward us. Silver does not have enough energy to move out the way quickly. Suddenly the rogue starts going backwards. Huh? What's going on?

Silver cranes her neck abit. I can see a huge brown wolf with his teeth gripped on the rogues tail dragging him backwards. The rogue yelps like a puppy. I would have burst into laughter if I were in a better condition.

The brown wolf is massive, his aura radiating power, and strength. It must be Cole's wolf. So is this what it feels like to be rescued by someone who I consider as a big brother? It feels really nice. I didn't even flinch when Cole finished the rogue off. Silver looks around for Blake's wolf, and there he is taking care of the rogue that was on Chris.

Blake's wolf had a midnight black coat of fur, he looked majestic. He is slightly smaller than Cole, but nevertheless his still pretty massive for a beta.

I glance back at Cole, when I feel a presence coming nearer to me. Silver lowers her neck in submission showing that we are not a threat, and that we grateful to him for saving our life. He rubs his head against Silver's without a second thought, he steps back after a second, looking slightly confused by his actions. He doesn't know its the family bond which drew him in to check on me.
His wolf looks at us rather peculiarly, Silver doesn't give off a scent which could be identified as a rogue wolf, or a pack wolf. Her scent is more in between. His eyes widen in disbelief, he figures it out I think . He knows Silver is a lone wolf. A wolf type, believed to be a myth.

A loud howl escapes from the blind rogue, and I turn to find Blake's wolf leaping onto the rogue, finishing him off.

He turns to find Silver staring at him, his wolf's eyes widening in shock, and confusion. He can sense that Silver is his mate, but he knows he already has a 'human' mate, well ex mate. He probably thinks that Silver is his second chance mate I conclude, because he looks rather conflicted. Like the type of conflicted when a person is in a love triangle. He doesn't know its still me.

I guess this will have to wait for another time, as we start to hear howling from the other end of the forest. The rogues were going to come.

Blake's wolf and Cole's stare at each other for a minute, most definitely mindlinking.

*You need to take the hunter, and go now! You're in no condition to fight the rest of the rogues. The alpha, and I will distract them back to our pack, where this will be finished once and for all! * I hear a foreign, but intoxicating voice in my head.

It must be Blake's wolf, who somehow managed to forge a connection with Silver. Silver nods her head, and turns to Chris. She sits down in a manner which indicates to Chris to hop on. I would follow Blake's suggestion, Chris needs to get out of here. If I stayed back Chris could get hurt, or even Blake if he were distracted, because he would be more concerned about me especially in the condition that I am in. Chris hops on cautiously, and Silver turns around to face both wolves. She howls at them sounding grateful, before she sprints off as fast as she could.

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