Part 22

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[Bethany's P.o.v]

I'll tell you what I didn't do. I didn't run into the forest like a foolish girl without considering the facts of the situation, or having at least a basic plan. It would do both Chris and I no good, If I'm wounded or completely blind in this situation, that is if his still in the forest.

I didn't want to rush neck deep into the forest only to find that nothing has actually happened, and that Chris left the forest hours ago. That would foolishly put me at risk. So I did what any sensible werewolf with technology would do. I made a call, yes a dear old fashioned simple phone call.

He answers on the third ring. "Hello?" He asks sounding unsure.

"Hey it's Bethany. Are you still in the forest? " I ask directly. There is literally no time to waste.

"I didn't give you my number! How exactly did you get my number ,and how do you know that I'm in the forest? Dude that's some serious creepy stalking skills you have there!" He teases, unaware of the possible danger he is in.

"Chris! There's no time to explain, but you have to get out NOW! I've heard that there's some rabid wolf infestation in the forest at present. It's not safe! You've got to leave now." I rush out, desperately hoping that he'll understand the hidden message.

I hear him mumble out some profanities before getting back to me." Thanks Beth! I'm actually almost on my way out of the forest. Thank God I didn't run into any wolves hey? I'll catch you later, thanks for everything!" he says. His such a liar! He didn't want me to worry, or endanger myself.

Before he cuts the call I hear a faint sinister voice saying," Your friend warned you a little to late. I wonder how she'll feel when she sees your mangled body, hmm there might not even be a body to find once I'm done with you."

Once I'm done with you, okay so that means the rogue is alone. I might need back up though, I only trust Blake, and Cole. They are my only options. I quickly text Blake the following.

{Just got off the phone with Chris, he is in the forest all by himself. What if those rabid wolves stumble into him? I'm going to the centre , will come over to yours later. }

It wasn't too much, but I felt it was enough to get the message across. I know I lied about going to the centre, but it would be time consuming for them or someone else to check if I'm actually there. I quickly dump my phone into my backpack, and hide it in a nearby bush. I immediately shift, not concerned that I've just shredded my clothes. I've already wasted enough time, Chris needs me. I let Silver take over, she has always been more in tune with her senses than I have. We bolt, following Chris's scent. Luckily for us, Chris wasn't that deep into the forest. By the time we reach there, Silver finds Chris pinned down on the ground. Using what ever hunter strength he had to hold up the underneath of the rogues jaw so he doesn't get bitten. Chris was putting up a fight, but he is getting tired. The rogue on the other is so focused on Chris that he doesn't even notice me. We could use this to my advantage! Silver runs straight into him, using her head to body butt him. He falls to his side, by the way he jumps back up. Silver and I could clearly see how surprised he is. Silver walks in front of Chris, and lets a small growl out in warning. The rogue didn't take her warning, in fact he seems more angry. With rogues this could go either way. He leaps for us, but Silver ducks and bites his stomach, chugging a huge piece of flesh out. He snarls at us, trying to get up. He gets up on this second try and, this time he doesn't try to overleap us . He doesn't want to leave his underneath more exposed. Silver stays still waiting for a few seconds, she leaps at the right time , completely surprising him. Now she has him pinned to the ground. She somehow manages to bite down on his neck. He howls in pain, but it is only loud enough for nearby wolves to hear. She bites even harder, and when she has enough grip. She rips his throat off with her teeth, instantly killing him. It was either him or us. It's over now! If only I knew that this party was just getting started.

I hear multiple howls, all promising me a slow antagonizing death, and the sound of paws hitting the ground. They are going to find us soon.

"For fluff's sake!" I curse out in my head . I completely forgot about the fact that rogues can mindlink as well. Silver wouldn't be able to take on so many wolves. I nudge her on the inside to do the one thing she hasn't done in 2 years. The one thing which could potentially give us a fighting chance.

She howls as loud as she can, her howl sounding desperate for help. It didn't matter that the rogues would hear the howl as well, they already knew where we are. Running would be be futile. Chris could never outrun a pack of rogues in the state he is in, and I couldn't leave him on his own. I hear two strong,  and powerful howls responding to Silver. Their message clear to any wolf, they are coming soon. Blake and Cole must have gotten my message. I can hear more paws sprinting towards me from another direction. Blake is close I could tell. I wouldn't be alone for that long when the rogues reach.

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