Part 21

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[Bethany's P.o.v]

I confidently strut into the classroom with intention to infuriate Erica. My plan works, because I could clearly see the look of indignation on her face. I feel so badass right now , like not even sitting through the rest of my math period could kill my mood.

"So what was that all about?" Chris asks, as we start to make our way out of the classroom.

"Oh nothing much, I just got detention for bunking twice last week." I say whilst shrugging.

" So how many days of detention did you get?" Chris asks.

This was my moment to rub it in to Erica, I could sense that she was well within earshot.

" Just this afternoon actually !" I say sounding bored, as if I didn't just wriggle myself out of a longer punishment .

"Wicked!" He exclaims. Chris begins to look as if his contemplating something.

"You know you could actually get away with it, if we didn't have some old hag trying to nail us." I whisper, well aware that Erica could still hear me with her abilities.

Erica wouldn't be able to start anything with me, because she wouldn't be able to explain she knew I called her an old hag. Well I guess it can be fun to be seen as a 'human' at times.

Chris just chuckles at my antics. He probably thinks I'm referring to some teacher.

The two periods after Math went by really quickly. You really don't feel time go by, when your busy with English, and Accounting. On the plus side at least its break!

Chris and I ended up sitting by my spot. No surprise there! Hmm I wonder where I would go, when the weather becomes bad. The library maybe? Today's break is oddly filled with silence I note. Chris seems completely out of it. For now I can only hope his strong enough to handle this on his own, until his ready to share his load with someone. I just sit beside him in complete silence. Sometimes having someone around you even when you have nothing to say, makes all the difference in the world.

Cole and Blake decide to grace me with their presence I think, as I see them making their way towards me. Blake sits down right beside me, and when I say this I'm not kidding. Someone would think that we are glued to each other. Cole sits down beside Blake, but he clearly understands the concept personal space unlike his brother dearest.

The atmosphere suddenly becomes tense. Cole and Blake clearly making Chris feel unwanted in this group. I glare at the guys for doing this, but it seems as if they aren't bothered at all. Chris sees my attempts at trying to get the guys to back off, and smiles slightly before returning back into his shell. My heart completely goes out to him, and I begin to feel really annoyed. Moon goddess help them if I lose my temper! It ain't a pretty sight.

Blake and Cole continue to engage with me, deliberately leaving out Chris. Each time I try to include Chris, it becomes more blatantly obvious how unwelcome Chris is.

"Bethany I'll see you later!" Chris says whilst waking up.

"I'll come with you, I know I'd prefer your company more than these two!" I say whilst waking up as well.

"No its alright, I just want some time alone to clear my head." He says.

"Okay then." I say as I watch him leave, before turning to both Cole and Blake. I glare at them, and fold my arms across my chest looking expectedly at them to say something about their behavior.

"Why do you even put with him? His nothing but trouble, both him and his family." Blake says, his voiced laced with disgust.

Chris was not the only one who was pushed over the ledge during the last 5 minutes.

"I don't even know why I'm putting up with you Blake! Chris is a good person. He was having such a bad day today, and both you and Cole come in making him feel even worse about himself. His presence is not air. He has done nothing to you from the start of school, what did he ever do to deserve such treatment? That was really low especially from the both of you. The world is deprived of kindness, there's already an abundance of hate and negativity in this world. Stop adding to it. And you Cole I can still remember the conversation we had last week in the forest. If you want to create a legacy just as great and bigger than your father, all of this has to stop right now. You have the power to influence people to be the bigger person, you have the chance to be a good leader. Don't be easily misguided by the wrongs of the world. "I say, letting the both of them have it.

It didn't matter that Cole is the future alpha or that Blake is my ex mate. What matters the most is correcting misguided behavior no matter who that person is. We do more damage to ourselves and the world, when we let things slide.

I didn't even wait around to see their ashamed faces.

I ignored Cole and Blake for the rest of the school day just focusing on my school work. Chris I noted had not returned for the rest of his classes. I eventually reached out to AK during biology to get Chris's number to check up on him later. AK is Chris's friend in Bio. On top of that Silver was still feeling restless, and Erica kept trying to bug me.

I remember how she tried to trip me, when I was walking to class after break. I did see it coming but I chose to allow myself to 'trip' anyways. I 'accidentally' fell on her, I ended up elbowing her in her face and falling on her, thus crushing her with my weight. Normally I would have chosen to ignore all of this, but I've just had about enough from her and everything else all shoved together in one tiny closet. I didn't feel guilty though, I knew she'd heal within the next half hour. That little demon frog tried to get me into trouble, but a teacher who saw me tripping as a result of Erica's foot 'unknowingly' sticking out vouched for me ending the matter once and for all.

Luckily for me I had some peace and quiet during detention. Even though there were other humans present, I easily tune them out, and just recenter myself in my own bubble. A temporary escape where there is no werewolf and hunter aminosity,  no looming war, no parents to hide from, or special abilities to hide.

After detention I decide to take the longer path to the Cane's home, wanting to have some time to myself before I call Chris to check up on him. The longer path passes the bit which begins to lead to into the forest. It wasn't exactly in the forest though, there was quite some distance. Just as I was passing by the path which leads into forest , I pick up on Chris's scent. I immediately tense, this isn't good. What if he runs into rogue? The rogues are rumored to be hiding on the opposite end of the forest, but the chance of Chris running into a rogue is still high. The sinking feeling I feel in my gut tells me that something bad is about to happen. Oh moon goddess what do I do now?

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