Part 17A

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[Bethany's P.o.v]

It really hits you differently when you're feeling so fine, pampered, and well neat. It's been so long since I've felt this good about myself. I guess we do tend to neglect ourselves, when we become complacent, and comfortable within our boundaries. It's okay to have lazy days, but it's not okay to neglect yourself, and to forget what it's like to feel good about you, you know? We owe it ourselves.

"You've been holding back on us, Beth. " Erin gushes giving me more than a once over.

I was only wearing a black pair of skinny Guess jeans with a knitted navy blue sweater, finishing the look with my favorite pewter ankle boots. I have no idea how Erin managed to find my bag of old clothes in the wardrobe, but I have to hand it to her. Erin is dedicated, she even managed to make me forego my glasses, and cap for tonight. I left my hair open, leaving it untouched after brushing it. I actually felt pretty.

"Why did you think I've been holding back on you?" I tease, as I wink at her. It was nearing half 4, so we decided to get a move on otherwise we would be late.

It would be my first time entering the Silver Moon Cresent property, heck it would be my first time in two years entering any pack land. My excitement had beat my anxiousness by a fraction. It would be nice to be on a packland after so long.

Erin took me through a path that didn't directly pass the pack house. She probably didn't want to raise any suspicion I think. Erin leads me to a large house further away from the heart, and buzz of the pack. It was much quieter, and private than living in a pack house. There was a beautiful garden out in the front with all sorts of colourfull flowers, instantly cheering almost anyone entering the yard. I could spend hours out here on a hammock chair, listening to music whilst enjoying the rainbow splash that the garden had to offer . Cole and Blake are so lucky I muse.

"It seems you've fallen in love with Carly's and Robert's garden." Erin states, as we walk up to the door.

"It's so beautiful." I reply.

We didn't even have to ring the door bell, Mrs Cane opens the door just as we reach the doorstep. Werewolf senses I tell you! They would probably frustrate the hell out of young wolf teenagers, because their parents would know when they are sneaking out of the house.

Mrs Carly didn't look a day over 30, the wolf genes ages her gracefully I think. Blake definitely got his warm chocolate coloured eyes from his mother I note.

"Welcome ladies, ohh Bethany you're such a gem! I finally get to meet the young lady, who caused quite the stir in our lives. " Mrs Cane exclaims, as she embraces me in a warm hug.

It feels so soothing, it feels like the home I've always longed for.

"Thank you for inviting me to dinner Mrs Cane." I say, not really knowing what else to say.

"Oh call me Carly, dear. " She says, as she breaks away from the embrace ushering us inside her lovely home.

The inside of Carly's home was just as inviting and warm as her. She must have decorated her home herself. She leads us into the dining room, as she heads back off to the kitchen.

" Oh do you need any help Carly?" I offer.

"I'm just about done, but you and Erin could help to set the table for me. Thanks!" She says.

It doesn't take long for Erin, and I to set the table. Since I set the plates, I placed a plate one space away from mine. I didn't exactly want to sit that near to Blake. Tonight would always be a memory, of what it would be like to have a real family dinner.

"That smells delicious!" I say, as Carly brings all of the casseroles on a trolley tray.

"Thank you dear, don't worry it won't be long now until we dig in. I sent the boys with Robert to the store to get some dessert. They should be back soon." She states.

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