Part 15

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[Bethany's P.o.v]

The school day hadn't even begun, and so much had already happened. I think after the morning I just had, I could definitely survive  double math. The guys tried to convince me to sit with them, but I politely refused not wanting to encourage a deeper friendship bond. Cole, Blake, and the demon frog herself had yet to make an appearance. Maybe Cole was giving her a piece of his mind for me, I muse. I didn't really know what to expect from Blake, but I guess I could hold that thought for another time, as I start to pick up on Chris's presence. I swear there's never a dull moment when that guy is around.

He walks up to me, and grabs a chair from a nearby vacant desk, placing it in front my chair. He sits down, and stares at me intently with this mad grin on his face.

"Whats with the creepy face?" I ask, feeling mildly curious.

" Oh nothing other than the fact that my best friend has been 'supposedly' seducing two guys, is the topic of the week." He says with excitement, confusing the hell out of me.

"How is this a good thing?" I ask.

"Dude more eyes on you means more eyes on me, especially female eyes. They are going to be even more jealous when they see this arm candy hanging around you, they'll be begging for my attention. " He sighs dreamily, before he winks at me indicating that this is another one of his daily dramas.

I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing. He gives me a softer smile, and my heart warms even more. He did this to cheer me up I think. And boy was this good timing, because the demon frog, Blake, and Cole walked into see me laughing. Good at least the she frog doesn't get to see me upset. Cole sends me a small smile, Blake looks apologetic, but then again he is always looking apologetic. Maybe it's a new trend with him. Too bad I make my own trends, rather than follow them. The demon frog herself looks like an ashamed puppy with her tail tucked in-between her legs. Josephine, and Andrew seemed to be Erica's side I conclude, after seeing them give me a look of disgust. That demon frog must have said something else, but ehh who cares? I've got algebra to solve for the next hour and a half.

English went by really quickly. All Ms Nicole did was read, and discuss the first 15 pages of Othello.

I'm currently on break now, sitting under the tree of my usual spot. I didn't even check the cafeteria out as yet. Chris wanted to spend the break with me, but I persuaded him not to, but to rather spend it with friends from his other classes. My plan to detach myself from everyone seems to be working at the moment. It won't be long now, before things go back to usual. It was just me alone on the ground, enjoying a moment of peace.

Lessons were cancelled tomorrow due to some football match that our team would be playing . The match would be held during the day, and the principal figured the atmosphere would be better if the entire school was there to watch the match. I was planning on skipping the event, and enjoying a long weekend to myself. I just had to make it for the last three periods today. I should have included surviving through lunch as well, after noticing Blake approaching me.

"Hmm came to add fuel to the fire I see." I drawl.

Blake looks at me confused.

"You know the rumor about me seducing you, if people see you with me they're going to talk more. Wouldn't want to give your girlfriend something else to talk about now would be?" I scornfully mock, although my distaste wasn't aimed at Blake, but rather his demon frog of a girlfriend.

" I didn't peg you as the type who bothered with gossip. " He says as he sits down beside me.  The strong scent of dark chocolate, and old whiskey filling the air around me. Arrg! this boy makes me crave chocolate even more than I usually do.

"I don't, but I'm not a robot you know. It did hurt abit." I reply whilst looking at the ground.

"I'm sorry about Erica." He says.

"I'm not, besides it's not you who should be apologizing." I gently say.

We sit in awkward silence for a while, before I turn to look at him.

"You look worse than me, and that's something given that I had bad rumors spread about me." I teasingly say.

"What's on your mind?" I ask.

He looks like he is contemplating, so I just sit quietly. If he wants to say something he will, if he doesn't it's okay I won't push.

Eventually he says  " During the school vacation Cole and I went on this trip. The environment was pretty tense given that some dangerous people were around. It made me question alot of things. One part of me longed for someone to return home to, someone who never make me feel alone. Erica has alway there for me, she's my childhood security net. Another part of me felt completely different about her. When Cole and I managed to return home safely, I was abit distant wanting some time off to think things through. Erica saw it differently, and she threatened to leave. The fear of losing her scared me. I thought that fear was equivalent to love you know. Now that I think of it, she probably knew that, and manipulated me in her hands. It's just you entered my life, and shook up my entire foundation. The stuff you said last night made me question whether Erica would really be there for me had I not been born to a wealthy family. I've been missing a few red flags and today's event just highlighted everything in red for me. It's so confusing, I've shared a great part of my life with her even though she's abit toxic for me. I can't seem to let go. I know probably sound like a messed up fool but... "

"But you can't help the way you feel. She's always going to be a part of your life, but she doesn't get any future roles if you decide otherwise. Trying to forget about the past would only be lying to yourself. Don't disillusion yourself, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't let yourself heal ,and move on. Forgive the past, and move on. You owe this much to yourself. Life is constantly trying to give us ways to love ourself, and the biggest way is our own ability to love ourselves when no one else can." I finish for him.

"That was pretty intense but I really needed that. How are you so understanding, and full of light? " He asks, looking mesmerized.

" I don't know, maybe it's my ability to see and live differently." I say.

" Well your sight, and experience has given me alot to think about. I have a chance to change stuff for the better, but it's so scary. " He says.

"What ever choice you make, you're aren't alone. You have your friends, Cole, Erin and the rest of your family. You don't have to always be brave on your own you know." I say with a soft smile on my face.

He looks at me intently, and asks " You'll be there for me too right? "

"For much longer, if I don't have to tolerate your demon frog of a girlfriend. " I tease, not really answering a question I didn't have an answer too.

He chuckled at my antics, and seconds later the bell rang. Thank God I only have to bear 3 more periods, I really do need a long weekend to myself.

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