Part 27

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[Bethany's P.o.v]

Even though I was exhausted, my sleep broke early again! I glance at clock on the wall, it's 5 am. I turn around to face Blake, he is still knocked out. He looks so well rested, that I'm actually feeling jealous! Sleep is everything! Who ever said we need 8 hours of sleep is completely wrong, it's not enough. I need 12 hours of sleep!

*Well since you're up, can we go for a run now? *My wolf asks.

*Fine! Only because I know you. * I groan out, as I untangle myself from Blake, the warm, and comfy bedding. I longingly glance back at the warm, and inviting bed, knowing that an hour of sleep has been taken from me.

*Quit acting like a baby! * My wolf snickers.

*Babies are innocent, I'll take that as a compliment! * I say.

*Haha you, and innocent? Which cloud is your head up in? Maybe I'll join too! * My wolf teases.

*Really funny! * I say, as I go about doing my daily routine.

It's around 5.45 when I make my way downstairs. I could sense Carly in the kitchen, and I could smell breakfast. Hmm bacom, yummy!

"Morning." I say, making my to the counter. I see bacon, and egg sandwichs on a plate screaming to be eaten. I only notice two plates though, I scrunch up my eyebrow in confusion.

"How did you know to prepare just enough for the both of us?" I ask, before taking a bite of my sandwich.

"I had a feeling you might be up early!" Carly answers.

"Thank you for everything." I say, after chewing, and swallowing my first bite of the sandwich. This is so good!

She nods her head, and we eat silently. We finish after two minutes though.

"So what did you want to ask me?" Carly asks, after a moment of silence.

" How did you?.... Never mind that question. Uh... Mm... You were so quick to support me yesterday, you accepted me so easily. You trusted me, you didn't even question my intentions. Why? " I finally ask.

" I've met so many people over the years, I'd like to think that I'm good at recognizing people who are genuine, kind, and ethical. Your character stood out the most to me, you remind me of me in a small way. You were so elusive, and mysterious. It was quite obvious that you had something to hide. The more I got to know you though, the more I saw a guarded girl, with a kind heart. An old, and wise soul, no one is ever this mature without experiencing a hurricane or 10.  It was clear that you had a past, and that what ever your reasons were for concealing parts of you, it wasn't because you were being malicious. Your intentions were good, and honest. You didn't ask to be involved with us, but life had a funny way of weaving us all together. You were clearly looking out for yourself, I get the gist of your actions Bethany. " Carly says, whilst offering me a kind smile.

I smile back at her warm words. Carly is truly amazing. I reach out to hug her , surprising her by my sudden display of affection, letting the hug convey how grateful, and happy I'm feeling to have her in my life. Blood doesn't always mean everything, sometimes family can be found with people who have no blood ties to you.

"You looked like you were ready to head out a few minutes ago. Taking some time to clear your head?" Carly asks, after breaking away from the hug.

"My wolf Silver wanted to go for a run." I answer.

"Ahh okay, be safe. I'll see you later?" Carly asks.

"Yeah I'll see you later." I reply, before heading out of the kitchen.

I let Silver take control this morning, it's been so long since we roamed around so freely. We didn't have to worry about a pack member finding out about us from now onwards. We didn't have to be 200% alert. We felt free, and happy. No more waking up at odd hours early in the morning to let my wolf go out for a run!

*Figures you'd care more about your sleep.* My wolf drawls.

*Hey! * I exclaim.

Silver suddenly picks up on a familiar scent in the forest.

*It's Chris! * She says.

*Let's check on him. * I suggest.

Silver follows his scent, trailing after him. Silver made sure to make some noise, so that we don't startle Chris.

As soon as Chris sees us, he approaches us rather calmly. At least he recognizes Silver.
He sits down beside us on the ground. Silver chooses to sit down too.

"It's a beautiful morning today isn't Bethany? It's so peaceful, calm, and serene, that I wouldn't have believed yesterday gapped, if I didn't experience it first hand myself." Chris says nonchalantly.

Uh oh!

*Did I miss something? Am I dreaming, or did Chris just call me Bethany? * I ask Silver, sounding abit bewildered.

*I think you already know the answer to this! * Silver responds.

*You need to shift back. I need to talk to Chris. * I say.

Silver walks behind a tree, and drops the bag that she had around her. I quickly change back, and head back to Chris. I sit down beside him.

"Well what took you so long?" I ask, sounding a little amused.

"Wait you're not mad I figured it out?" He asks.

"No, I knew you were kinda on to me. You're way to clever for your own good. I'm just honestly surprised by your confrontation. I was honestly expecting you to be more focused on yesterday, rather than figuring out my identity." I say

"And here I thought, I was being subtle." he says.

"So how did you finally figure it out?" I ask, sounding curious.

" The day we met, when we shook hands. Your body temperature intrigued me the most. It was abnormal enough to assume you're a werewolf, but you didn't flinch when I touched you with my silver ring. You were buying ice cream, so I pegged it down to you been sick, or something. Then in English, your response to that whole appearance vs reality theme. It got me thinking abit, that maybe you knew a whole lot more than you let on, or maybe you weren't a normal human . You also didn't let any harm come to the wolves for that Bio experiment. So after that I figured you somehow knew about the supernatural. It never crossed my mind to look at things differently until yesterday. Like how a wolf happened to rush in to save me after you called. Then when you let me rub your back in wolf form, you didn't flinch or react to when my ring accidentally grazed you. I didn't realize that until way afterwards. And well lastly, you're the only person in this town, who knows my heritage, but you don't care. You see me as a human, you've overlooked everything else to see me as me. I figured that there could be only one werewolf who would risk their life for me, and made sure I was okay even after I was safe. I figured it had to be you Bethany. No one else but you! "Chris says, sounding solemn.

" That's quite the thought train you've got there Sherlock! " I tease.

" Hear, hear now Watson! Surely if you pay close attention, you'll be able to develop at least a third of my thinking skills. " Chris replies rather dramatically. We both burst out laughing.

" But seriously Beth, thank you for everything. I really do appreciate everything you've done for me. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with your thinking skills, you've saved my hide with that brain of yours." Chris says, sounding much more serious now than before.

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