Part 5

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[Bethany's P.O.V]

It's honestly been so great to be in my own space, after a not so bad day at school. My tummy grumbles, alerting me that my body needs sustenance. Hmm... What am I craving today? Maybe some fried chicken stir fry. My tummy grumbles in approval. I make my way to the kitchen, and without a second thought, I start grabbing the basics such as onions, spaghetti, chicken filets, spices, and my required utensils. I maneuver my way around in the kitchen, as if I'm an experienced chef. I might as well be I internally scoff.

My mind flashes back to the many mornings I've spent in the kitchen. My mum instructing me in the kitchen without emotion, and my dad ingraining "A good women should move around in the kitchen in such a way that it seems instinctual" or how about "A good womans place is in the kitchen, satisfying her mans appetite."  The only good thing that came out from those lessons was that I can completely fend for myself out there in world, just like now. Who cares if the food isn't as devine as a meal prepared by chef. At least it wasn't raw or burnt. It was okay, I'll get better with time.

The food didn't take long to make, and before I knew it. I found myself cleaning up, only to begin the most tedious task ever. Homework! Arrg, so annoying. Luckily enough my homework was manageable, but it did take some time. I glance at the clock, it's 7.27 pm. Not bad, I think to myself. Maybe I could curl up in bed, and read, or watch a movie maybe?

*How about a run?*  My wolf questions sounding abit edgy.

* It's too risky at this time Silver. How about we sleep now, wake up at 3am and then we'll go for a run?* I ask my wolf, hoping she's happy with this compromise.

*Fine!*  She whines.

Running as a wolf at this time was literally suicide. Not only would I have to worry about humans, but also the other pack members who are awake, and alert at this time. At least at 3am, most humans, and wolves were busy catching up on their beauty sleep. I grab a bottle of vodka from the draw, and take a couple of sips. Under age drinking I know, but then again it's nothing out of the ordinary for most teenagers. I don't drink to get wasted, or put my self in dangerous situations. The alcohol just helps me sleep better, and it numbs all the pain away for a little bit. I make my way to bed after setting an alarm. My brain decides to analyze almost every detail of today, the moment my head meets the pillow, and I sigh hoping my brain shuts down instead. Rogues were becoming a problem, at least the Silver Moon Cresent pack handled that for me. They weren't concerned about me, and I need to keep it that way. It wasn't untill 30 minutes later, I finally found myself drifting into a deep sleep.

Arrrg there goes that nice little dream that I was having. In my dream, I was eating the most delicious double stacked chocolate brownie ever.

* Its all your fault! * I grumble to my wolf, whilst painfully waking up, and leaving my oh so warm, and soft bed.

* Quit groaning, and get moving you big baby! * My wolf orders.

* Aye! Aye! Captain. * I sarcastically say, as I make my way to the front door.

It doesn't take me long to walk to the forest. This part of the forest wasn't part of the Silver moons territory , so they had no real reason to be hanging about at this time of morning . Especially since they should be focusing on keeping their own territory safe. I strip behind a tree, and let my wolf take full control. She deserved it, besides she's slightly more alert, and in tune with our enhanced senses. I could feel her joy, and excitement as she ran through the forest. The smell of the pine, soil, the earthly musk, and dew putting her at ease. She had so much of energy that it was only untill after an hour or so, I noticed Silver beginning to slow down. She must be tired after the run she just had. We strut back to our spot, and she allows me to take control. I shift back, and begin to immediately change into my clothes. It was still early, and I was feeling far from sleepy. So I decided to stay out a little more. It wasn't long until the smell of a werewolf hit my nostrils. It didn't smell like a rogue, and I find myself feeling at ease despite how concerning the situation is. I start walking in the opposite direction wanting to avoid this person, but stop when I heard a loud thump. I turn around, and notice a handsome male with emerald rich eyes, and straight black hair on the ground. His right back shoulder blade was bent at a funny angle, and his face scrunched in pain for a second before the werewolf healing took over. He won't feel pain, but he'll still need a little help with his shoulder. He didn't seem on edge in my presence though, maybe it's because he thinks I'm harmless. Thanks for that Andrew, I think remembering the report he did for the alpha of the pack.

"Do you need any help with your shoulder ?"  I find myself asking, slightly surprised at my bold behavior.

He chuckles awkwardly before responding, " If you know to realign my shoulder joint, it would be an absolute miracle. If you don't, I'll just call one of my friend over to do some damage control for me. So no worries uhh...?"

"Bethany, and as a matter of fact you're in luck. I do know how to realign your shoulder without causing any more damage...uh? " I say deploying the same tactic that he used to find out my name.

Judging by the mark on his neck he was mated, but there was something about him that screamed power.

"Cole." He responds .

Ahh, well that explains the power part. He is the Alpha of the Silver Moon Cresent pack. He definitely knew who I am then, but feigned ignorance to avoid alot of questions. Smart and tactful, I muse.

"Well Cole, do you trust me?" I ask feeling more confident. 

"You seem trustworthy Bethany, so just do your worst."  He tells me, probably not expecting much from me either.

I lightly touch his shoulder blade, and pretend I'm about to move it abit more to have a look. The poor Alpha didn't even see it coming, as quick as lighting, I sprung into action and realigned his bone in a matter of seconds.

"There good as new!" I exclaim sounding abit proud, whilst taking in the alpha's surprised face.

Suddenly, thoughts start to collide in my head reminding myself that I've done the very opposite of what I was trying to achieve earlier. I had peaked the alpha Cole's interest, I was supposed to keep my head down. Foolish girl, I think to myself.

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