Part 7

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[Bethany's P.o.v]

I walked straight to my English classroom, with the intention of reaching there before the other students start to fill the room.I need a few moments to myself. Luckily for me there were only a handful of students seated. They were so focused on their phones, that they didn't even glance up to notice me. I pick a random seat on left near the window, but not in the back, but more like in the middle. I adjust my cap, and pull it lower to hide more of my face. I fidget around for a few more minutes until the scent of dark chocolate ,and old whiskey fills my nostrils. I pretend to be more interested in my book, willing my heart to not beat as fast, so that I appear nonchalant, and unaffected.

I repeat a constant phrase in my head, don't look up, over and over again. I feel his gaze linger on me. He is just curious about you, it doesn't mean anything I tell myself. He is probably wondering why a "human" isn't affected by the pull. Good let him puzzle I think to myself. His scent starts to blend in with Erica's, and suddenly the scent of dark chocolate, and old whiskey doesn't seem as appealing as it used to.

Don't cry Beth, I think to myself as eyes begin to painfully tear up.

"Who's the new girl?" I hear Blake asking his pack, sounding nonchalant whilst doing so. This peaks my interest and the thought of crying takes a back seat for now.

At this point in time, I swear my heartbeat is pumping abit more faster than usual and it's all due to being somewhat acknowledged by him. Calm down Beth, you don't want to give Blake any more power over you, I think to myself.

"Hey that's Bethany!" Cole answers sounding abit surprised.

"Yup, she's that new human local that created quite the buzz two months back. I did a report on her arrival. " Andrew adds.

"You know her Cole?" Alex asks, sounding curious.

"Yeah, she helped me out this one time. She seems nice." He answers.

"She willing helped you with something? As far as I know, she doesn't seem like the type to willingly associate herself with anyone." Josephine states, sounding abit unsure.

"Maybe she's antisocial ,but I believe she has a good conscious. She didn't have to help me you know, but she did." Cole answers, sounding confident.

"You know you never told us what she helped you with, and when this happend. Should luna Erin be worried?" Erica prys.

"I dislocated my right shoulder blade, she helped put it back. I was surprised she even knew how to do it. I thought I'd just have to call you guys to come help out." Cole responds diplomatically Erica.

Honestly I'm surprised he didn't growl at her for suggestions otherwise, okay maybe Erica just isn't my favourite person at the moment.

Before the conversation could continue any further, the teacher walks in. She's a werewolf I conclude, I could smell her wolf scent. Great, just great more wolves to worry about, I think to myself.

"Morning class, I hope you guys had a great vacation. I apologize for not being able to see you guys on your first day, I was feeling a little under the weather. Anyways moving on, this year your English literature setbook for the year will be Othello. I'm look forward to discuss this masterpiece with you guys. Now today we are going to be doing some poetry. I'll be handing out the workbooks in a minute, and we'll begin by discussing the interpretation line by line." The teacher states, before heading to her desk to grab the workbooks.

The rest of the class passes in a blur and before I knew it, it was time for biology. I slightly dreaded this class, because I'd be working directly with the wolves, when all I wanted was some distance away from them. I take my time walking to class, but also ensuring that I won't be late to class. The wolves were already seated by the time I reached the classroom. I noticed that today I'll be sitting next to Alex. I head towards my assigned table, and nod my head in acknowledgment to my group.

"Morning Bethany." Alex greets, sounding a little too cheerful for my liking.

"Morning Alex." I say with a small smile on my face, before focusing my attention on the bored, pretending that that the announcements on the board were more interesting.

As much as I wanted to ignore Alex, I couldn't ignore being polite to a fellow class mate. It doesn't mean we'll be best friends now.

"So I heard you know how to pop shoulder joints back into place, thats pretty cool. How did you learn to do that? " He asks.

I start to feel Blake's eyes on me. He must be curious as well, I conclude.

*Well lets give him what he wants .* Silver sarcastically drawls.

* Atta girl. * I reply, feeling happy to see Silver in a better mood now even if its due to her wanting to  mess with Blake.

" I saw a person realign a joint once." I answer sounding bored, my intention wasn't to give them a cool story about me.

But before Alex could question me any further, Mrs Anderson begins her lesson. Tomorrow will be the first practical I note, as Mrs Anderson covers the theory for tomorrows practical. I shudder to think how I'll manage when I'm rotated to Cole's group for the next practical. Blake, and I would be forced to interact with one another. I would also have to deal with Erica. Oh moon goddess why me? I silently question. I found that the rest of the second, and third period went by really quick afterwards. Thankfully  I am currently on my lunch break now, and I finally have the chance to give myself some time off. I'm pleased to note that my spot is still vacant, as I begin to move forward, and sit under a shady spot. At least something in my day is going okay. I feel at ease for about two full minutes, before the smell of dark chocolate and old whiskey decides to invade my senses. Arrrg what does it take for a girl to enjoy some peace here? I look around, and see Blake approaching me, alone for a change that is. My mind swirls with thousands of different scenarios that could happen, whilst my heart flutters with slight hope. My gut feels heavy though, I doubt it's anything positive. I mask all of my emotions trying not to give away any indication of my feelings as Blake gets closer.

"Hi." He says with a half hearted smile on his face.

" Hey. " I respond back looking at him quizzically.

"I'm really sorry for this, but uhh my girlfriend Erica and I were playing a game of truth or dare, and well she dared me to do enact a rejection scene to you." He finishes off lamely.

"Oh!" I exclaim sounding as bored, and unbothered as I could. I was hurting on the inside though. I knew what was coming. I look at him waiting for him to get it over, and done with so I could just be here by myself. It's not like life can get any more worse... right? Maybe this was for the best, it would be too messy to mix with him and his pack. Besides I'm meant to bounce from here once school is over.

"I Blake Cane hereby Reject Bethany Richard as my mate." He says, his voice sounding strained and hoarse. He's bothered too I note.

I felt the first part of our bond break. It didn't even matter if he didn't use my middle name, the rejection was completed on his side. He doesn't say anything as he starts to slowly walk back ,as if he didn't just break my foolish frail heart . He made his choice, and with that final thought in my head, I suddenly feel brave & determined to say something back to Blake.

" Wait!" I call out looking Blake dead in the eye. My heart burning with trepidation, as he turns around.

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