Part 19A

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[Bethany's P.o.v]

I could smell bacon, and I could hear someone bustling down in the kitchen. I wake up feeling abit confused, until my brain snaps out of it, reminding me of all which had happened yesterday. The Cane's coming over, the rogues, the kiss I shared with Blake! My brain immediately kicks into overdrive after thinking about the kiss and Blake. I could sit down on my bed, whilst cuddling my pillows thinking about last night for hours. I still had guests over though, guests who should not be cooking early in the morning. That's my job! I glance at the clock, it's only 6.58 am. Wait! what? That can't be right. I decide to go downstairs after doing my daily business , only to find Carly completely absorbed in her activities.

"Hmm that smells devine!" I practically drool out, as I make my way over to the kitchen counter.

"Thank you, I hope you don't mind me bustling around in your kitchen." Carly says.

"Oh no it's fine, you know Friday night was the first time in a long while since I've eaten a home cooked meal prepared by someone other than myself. Thank you for everything Carly, but really I should be the one making you breakfast today." I earnestly say.

She gives me a warm smile. "Well you better get used to it. I've been told that I am the mother hen you see. " She chuckles out, obviously referring to her luna role, and the fact that me being Blake's mate practically makes me family.

"I heard things went well with Cole and Robert last night. " I state, whilst taking a plate filled with eggs, toast, and bacon from Carly.

"Yes our home is safe." She answers, before silently adding "for now." I wouldn't have heard that if it weren't for my wolf senses.

For now! I think to myself. I start to feel anxious and concerned for Blake, Cole and Robert. They'll be on the frontline, and everyone will be depending on them. The next couple of days are going to be rough, both emotionally and physically.

"I know you were going to stay with us from tomorrow, would you consider maybe staying from today?" Carly asks.

I could tell that she was worried about me living on my own. They were just looking out for me, the way a real family does.

"Only because you made me bacon for breakfast." I say in a playful manner, hoping to ease Carly again. It works! I note. After eating breakfast, I help clean up. Carly chases me to go pack, whilst she wakes up both Erin and Blake. It doesn't much to wake up young adult werewolves, once you mention food.

It was around 9.45 when we left my home. Blake was really ecstatic when he heard that I would be staying over from today.

The atmosphere was pretty tense at the Cane's home, even after Erin and Carly met Robert and Cole. I decide to stay in my room, giving both the family and myself space. It wouldn't be easy to 'human proof' everything for me, and I didn't want to add more worries to the Cane's already full plate. Besides I would probably be able to learn more, if people didn't feel the need to mindlink or discuss things when I wasn't around.

The only bits and drabs I learnt was that the rogues were taking revenge on the Silver Moon Cresent Pack, because Cole and Blake helped another pack with a battle. My mind flashes back to that conversation I overheard last week, the one where Andrew spoke off Cole and Blake in action. Another piece fitted to my puzzle, I just need to see the bigger picture now. Something inside of me feels there's so much more to this, as if all these events are linked to one another. A link that somehow connects us all. I just feel that the storm is almost at its peak now, and pretty soon we'll be left to deal with its after effects. At least things will start to slowly fall into place or make sense I hope.

I leave my room an hour later, so that I could help Carly make lunch. It feels wrong just doing nothing after the warm hospitality I've received. Just as I'm about to turn into the kitchen I sense two people at the door. The other scent I knew far too well against my liking,it was Erica. Great! Just great, this is exactly what I need right now, I sarcastically think to myself.

Carly opens the door and exclaims " Martha, Erica! Thank you for coming. Please do come in." Carly's greeting didn't seem as genuine, and warm as usual I note.

"Oh we just had to make sure you were doing okay! You're practically family! We stick together." Martha exclaims.

Carly's smile dips in abit more, it seems Erica hasn't even told her parents that she and Blake aren't mates.

Erica's smug face turns sour the moment she sees me. She was unpleasantly surprised to see me. It didn't bother me much though, what had me ticking was the fact that she didn't pick up on my scent. I wasn't even that far away. The pack should be more alert and not the complete opposite. Okay maybe that is a silly reason to be ticked off at her. She's not my favorite person for obvious reasons, but I should try and cut myself some slack! Why should I feel annoyed, or any other negative emotions? I can't let her affect my centre.

So what if everyone thinks she's the beta female and Blake's mate? So what if she and Blake shared their childhood together ? I can't let this fear or envy cloud my judgment. I have to stay calm, logical and peaceful. It's for my own sanity, and every one else's.

"Ahh and who's this young lady?" Martha asks.

"Bethany Richard's Mam . I'm Cole and Erin's friend. Hello Erica. " I greet. I didn't want to cause unnecessary attention on Blake's and my confusing relationship. Besides everyone else has more important things to worry about,they don't need my high school drama.
Carly looks at me a little differently, it's almost as if she knows I know more than I'm letting on. I could be wrong though I think, now stop stressing yourself out!

"Hello Bethany." Erica drawls out, sounding like a brat in my opinion.

"Oh you already know Erica! That's wonderful." Martha exclaims. If there's one thing I've learnt in the last ten minutes, is that Martha can chat your ears off. I didn't mind though, I learnt quite a bit though. Don't people realize how much information they are giving about themselves?

" Oh I almost forgot about the other reason as to why we came over. Do you need any help with planning the pa... uhh I mean business meeting with Aria Dee tonight? Erica and I know just how much you have on your plate. We'd love to help in any way possible" Martha says.

If anyone were paying attention to me, they would have seen the colour drain from my face at the mention of Aria Dee. Aria Dee is the girl I died for, she was the catalyst for me breaking free. If she sees me, she'll recognize me. This would ruin everything.

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