Part 4

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[Bethany's P.o.v]

"Alpha Cole and Beta Blake are still sleeping. Their bodies need to recoop after the battle. Those two were fire out there Anth! You should have seen them. I've never seen such a dynamic team like that ever. The way they took down all of those rogues. I would never want to be on wrong side of the Cane Brothers, like ever!"  Andrew says with awe in his voice.

Well that's certainly unexpected. The beta and the alpha are siblings. Oh gosh the poor luna, she probably had a hard time raising those two. I wonder what they were like growing up. My thoughts come to a pause as the group continues their conversation.

"So why aren't you with Blake, Erica? After what Blake experienced he would need you the most." Alex questions with a softness in his tone.

"He wanted some alone time." Erica answers gently, but the guarded look in her eye tells me that there's something more that she's hiding.

"Ahh come off it now Alex, stop worrying our beta female. She's probably worried about Blake, and here you are hounding her with questions." Josephine scolds Alex.

"It's fine Josephine, Alex was only concerned about Blake. It warms me greatly to see the loyalty, thought ,and care you have towards our pack." Erica responds in defence of Alex.

You could see it in all of their eyes. They all looked up to Erica. They admired and adored her. She seems  genuine, but I have no idea why I had begun to feel so unsettled. I have no relationship to their pack, why does this bother me so much?

"Cole and Blake will join us at school tomorrow."  Andrew shares, but before questioning, "Hey isn't that Bethany? You know the girl I did a report on for Cole. Man! I miss one day of school, and so much has happend."

"Our dear Alex here tried to win Miss loner with his Charm. She didn't seem impressed at all." Josephine says before bursting into laughter.

Alex pouts, whilst Mathew pokes him in the stomach.

"I think she mostly wants to be left alone, but heads up though Erica and Andrew. For biology she's going to be rotated back and forth between your group and ours. So I guess we'll be seeing alot of her." Mathew says.

"If she keeps to herself, we won't have to worry about her finding out anything about us. We'll keep our distance, and respect her wish to be left alone. You recon she could be a mate to one of our pack members?" Erica muses out loud.

"Guess we'll find out eventually." Andrew says.

That suits me well I think to myself, they are keeping their distance, and I shall be keeping my own.

All of a sudden Matthew's jaw just widens with the biggest smile ever. 

"Bro you're so whipped!" Alex exclaims.

"Just wait untill you find your mate, then we'll see who's more whipped." Josephine retorts back, as another female starts to make her way to the grounds. Short in statue, with hazel eyes, and long blonde hair. She was gorgeous, but then again so were most wolves I tell myself. I zone them out, as they start to catch up and goof around. I was pretty satisfied with what I've learnt, at least I have a basic idea of how the environment I am in. My mind still goes back to Blake and Erica, something about their relationship makes my heart feel heavy.

" You good?" I ask my wolf deciding to check up on her.

"I feel abit strange, maybe you're right. Maybe we should just keep our distance from these wolves. It's just for a year, and then we'll be out of their hair." She replies.

*Exactly I have you Silver, what more do we need?* I state with confidence.

*What if we meet our mate one day? * She asks.

*One day is a long way from now, let's leave it for another day to worry about?* I say

* You won't reject our mate right?* She asks.

* Not without a valid reason Silver, I know I'm a loner, and distant at times. I'm not completely heartless you know. * I say.

*I know, it's just so overwhelming, I don't even know why I'm feeling so strange. I guess I understand how emotional you feel now when you're on your period." She replies.

* Maybe it's because we are surrounded by all of these wolves, besides we do have beta blood. Maybe, just maybe we crave the respect and admiration, that the pack has for Erica. She's seems like she's a natural born leader, and imagine that. She's only the beta female, imagine the luna.*  I say trying to distract my wolf abit.

* Maybe, but there's something else that I can't put my paw on. Do you really wish that you received the admiration off our old pack? *  She questions.

* Maybe in the very beginning, now my goals are focused elsewhere. * I say, but before the conversation could continue , the bell rang signaling that lunch was over.

The rest of my day was pretty much standard. I avoided the wolves as much as possible, and well the humans on the other hand, pretty much left me alone preferring to focus their attention on themselves, or the wolves.

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